Posted July 22, 2015

If researching about games and looking for deals etc is unadulterated fun to you then that's fine I guess. Just the other day, I spent a couple hours looking for games, mainly puzzle/puzzle platformers - in the process of which I increased my Steam wishlist from 6 games to 26. This is risky because as soon as something is one your wishlist, you're a lot more likely to notice a sale on the item.
I dodged Toki Tori 2+ and Nihilumbra, both games went on sale on the weekend but I didn't buy anything. 2-3 other games on my Steam wishlist are on sale right now but none of those games are high priority to me.
I almost bought Nihilumbra because of genkicolleen's great review but then I decided that I didn't want to break my current record abstinence run of one month+ just for this game which I can always buy later as it will go on sale again. As for Toki Tori2+, I haven't even finished the first game and the second one doesn't give me the right vibes, the game seems off in a way so I decided to pass on the 90% off sale.
I'm somewhat tempted to buy About Love, Hate and the other ones as well as Back to Bed but neither of those two excite me enough to break my abstinence. Only a few of the games I added to my wishlist give me excitement vibes: The Cave, See No Evil, Constant C and Max The Curse of Brotherhood. Chances are high that none of them will excite me but my intuition says there is a chance I might enjoy those.
The rest is stuff like Tengami, Full Bore, Vessel, Limbo, Closure, A Good Snowman is hard to build, Stay Alight, Lost Marbles, Life Goes On...mostly casual/semi casual puzzle platformers that seem a good fit for my currently revamped interest in the genre but it's not like I don't already have enough stuff to play in that category.
It's super rare that I encounter a game that actually excites me and provides unadulterated fun. Only a small percentage of the games I play succeed at that in recent times. Last year it was Stronghold, NOX, Diablo 2 replay before I overdid it, The Samaritan Paradox, Halfway, Clarc. This year it was only Secret Files: Tunguska, Technobabylon and Unmechanical. That's on average only one game that I enjoy for every two months, and a whole bunch of stuff I never finish or don't enjoy even if I do somehow finish it.
I got stuck for several months in Tunguska which put an enormous dent into my enjoyment but if it wasn't for that it's one of my all-time favorites now. Unmechanical also had one extremely annoying twitchy puzzle, the worst I had ever encountered in any game in the last 25 years or so. Must have been a technical glitch as most other players don't report having had that same problem, and it was only that one incident. Technobabylon didn't aggravate me at all in any way, but it also didn't really excite me at any point. But I genuinely enjoyed it and consider it a clear case 5 star game, and arguably the finest one published by Wadjet so far.

Post edited July 22, 2015 by awalterj