Cyraxpt: My update...
I've bought Act of War (because i really want it), was gifted SW Galactic Battlegrounds by a really awesome guy, manage to grab a Xenonauts key from someone that exposed the key on a thread to whoever wanted it (thank you person that i can't remember and can't find the thread) and Battle Realms was offered by gog.
Happy for you but keep in mind to pass on the kindness you received to another stranger in the future. Gifting can be as much fun as being gifted - something I was surprised to find out a year ago or so when I first starting making giveaways.
Watch MacGyver season 5 episode 11 ("The Madonna") to see what I mean, one of my favorite episodes incidentally.
Battle Reals was a nice gift from GOG, that game was on my medium priority wishlist but I don't know when I'll find the time to play it, same for Xenonauts which was less of a gift - more like an award for buying a lot.
Cyraxpt: At this point i realize that a huge backlog + bundles + sales + ps plus turn me into a cheap bastard and i'm ok with it. Am i cured? :p
Are you cured? Well, maybe and maybe not. Only time can tell! I recommend making a list like mine in
this post where you mercilessly keep track of all your trespasses and how long you stayed clean at a time. My current goal is to stay clean for more than 26 days, preferably longer.
Bundles are a two-edged sword. They cost little money for many games but can quickly inflate your backlog so I stay clear of bundles. I'm not a collector after all, I only want stuff I intend to play at some point. If I was an efficient shopper I'd just keep the games I need from bundles and give away all the others but I'm not an efficient shopper at all.
Chri2Kng: Not buying cheap games would drive me nuts. I have OCD and I am a gaming hoarder. Though I'm not one of those that have to have every game on every platform. I buy games on all platform and not just Steam.
I don't have OCD in RL but I think many of us here on GOG have at least a little bit of OCD when it comes to games, myself included. Both in terms of acquiring games and when playing them (must complete all levels yadda yadda).
I have this weird idea about playing all the essential classics and then leaving gaming forevermore, as in permanently. Interestingly, the essential classics I haven't yet played or finished are sitting on my shelf the longest and I deviated from my initial goal so much that I'm now even buying and playing indie puzzle platformers and such :O
Apparently, I can only underdo or overdo things.
revainedmortal: I gotta buy them all. I see something at $1.99 and I find my self with like 25 games in the checkout.
Welcome revainedmortal, you came to the right place :)
Have you tried visualization techniques? As in try to visualize yourself playing the game you're intending to buy and ask yourself, what are you feeling? Are you seeing yourself having fun, are you really going to enjoy that game or is it just a straw a little frog grasps onto?
Sometimes, this technique works. I was able to hold off on the Paradox bundle that way, realizing that I simply have no time and patience for these games in present times and in the foreseeable future.
I still fail plenty of times though and no tricks seem to work. Have made some improvements though by applying this visualization technique to my wishlist, killing off most of the time-consuming strategy and RPG titles on it. I love those games but if I won't play them anytime soon due to lack of motivation/energy/time/patience, then it's no use to buy those things
OldFatGuy: It's nice to see this self help tool available for those that need it. Me, I don't need it. I'm curing myself with the 1,348 step plan. Buy 1,347 games and then just stop.
If that doesn't work out so well, maybe I'll come back. Or maybe I'll try the 23,432 step plan. I've heard good things about that one.
I had the same idea: It does not work!
You see, games are like the Hydra in Greek mythology. Cut off one head, two new heads grow. In the time I finish one game from my backlog, two new games are released and I keep discovering older games I didn't even know about, for example World War 1 buy DarkFox (published by 1C Company).
It never ends. You can't cut off all heads! Also, the more games I bought, the more I added to my wishlist.
One trick is to remove games from the wishlist but that only works on Steam for me, here on GOG I can't -not- see sales even if I kick the games off my wishlist. I kicked Pacific General off my wishlist but if there's a sale, who knows? I might buy it, because the Hydra head is still there, hasn't been burned off really.
You can kill fire with fire but you can't "buy out" your buying addiction. Only thing you can eliminate or at least reduce is your desire to own more and more. By hard therapy! There's no shortcut really, or at least not that I'm aware of.
Beware of radical methods, you might rebound stronger than before. I'm trying to ease out of it slowly, although I reduced my wishlist on GOG radically from 76 to 10 and on steam from ca. 60 to 4 games.
nick8019: Check the list, see game that i didnt know i wanted until now its only a few dollers..10 games later..
Same here, that's why eliminating the wishlist isn't a cure-all remedy. Just bought Conquest: Frontier Wars today which wasn't even on my wishlist. Plus I haven't finished any strategy games in months (aside from replaying Halfway in hard mode), no time or energy even though it's my favorite genre.
I recommend starting to track your activities precisely and carefully analyze your purchasing behavior and patterns, that's a good first step.
ET3D: Resisted two more games.
First was Toki Tori 2+. My 5 year old saw that on the Steam store (it's on sale for $1.49) and wanted to try it. We played the demo a little and he liked the game, but before the end of the demo he was already letting me do all the puzzle solving and ended up wanting to move to another game.
Then there was a Bundle Stars bundle with A Bird Story, and I figured that was a good one to check out. The bundle costs only $1.99 and I could gift other games. Ended up convincing myself that I should play To The Moon first anyway.
I love Toki Tori but I still haven't finished even the normal levels yet. At some point, levels started feeling like a chore rather than a challenge, not that they are too hard but too time consuming and I prefer shorter levels. hard is ok but long not so much. So I kinda burned out on the game, still have it installed though and won't buy the 2nd game unless I finish the first one.
Funny thing about A Bird Story, I used the same reasoning to hold back on that one. Haven't even installed To The Moon yet. My interest in that game is rather small, just curious because everyone says the game made them cry and such a response seems quite an accomplishment for a game so I want to see what it's all about. Unlike movies, no video game has ever made me feel emotional (except for me feeling sorry for the Swampling in Simon the Sorcerer who cries a one-pixel tear, I have a soft spot for the underdogs) and I find it a bit hard to imagine that there are games that can do that. I think my attitude to games is generally more "4th wall broken" than with movies.
fr33kSh0w2012: I only Buy games I MUST have therefore there is No problem :P
blotunga: I resisted buying the Hardcore roleplay bundle so I'm on a good track am I? And as soon as the sale completes I stop altogheter until the next sale...
You must kill the barbarian queen or else the barbarian horde will attack every year anew!
fr33kSh0w2012: I only Buy games I MUST have therefore there is No problem
F4LL0UT: I Have no Problem and I Must Buy Half a month and no ice cream.
ET3D: I ended up buying the Cryptic Bundle that I said I'd buy. bluesky777: I want to buy more games, but there isn't anymore interesting discounted games I want to get :( or bundles :(
Aha! I see you browsing through the colorful promo pictures on the main page, feeling that yearning to click on something,
anything, just for those happy two seconds when your shelf sports a new game.
You are possibly a true shopaholic and you came to the right place. Maybe try out-of-body visualization where you observe yourself closely, if only to realize that you are buying for the sake of buying. You might think it's just that none of your wishlisted games are on sale right now but if your experiencing withdrawal symptoms from not buying anything even after a day or two then it looks more like shopaholicism than game addiction so this is the right thread for you. I might be mistaken but only you can find out for sure.