mechmouse: At some point saying "I'm 86" isn't going to be a viable defence. I'm not shocked by the bottom feeding antics of these guys, but I am surprised at the game.
I would not have thought any publisher that released DRM free would waste money and hard earned PR by hiring such scum bags.
Goodaltgamer: I like this part best:
"Copyright holders such as game developers and film studios are typically hiring third-party firms to collect money from the alleged pirates.
In this case, the private firm Canadian Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement (CANIPRE) sent the letter."
So bad reporting again OR did this company not even have the contract to do this job anyway. There are a lot of lawyers around doing this without having any contract with the owner of said IP (int. prop.).
Hence I must say, stupid Canadian law which opens the gates of lawyers hell.
Plus: How did they get this information without a judge? This amounts to a search warrant without ever a search warrant being done. If I understood this correctly. So is it even legal?
Nowhere did this article mentioned IF the publisher did give this job to them. (or the devs)
EDIT2: According to wiki the rights for Metro series are with Koch media
The article said the ISP is required to report cases of illegal downloading to the IP owner, who contracts the company to go after the violator. Your ISP has access to your activity and most even tell you that your activity is monitored by the ISP. There is no warrant or anything else required in this case. It would be like a teacher searching a student's locker and finding cocaine, and subsequently calling the police to have the student arrested.