Posted September 10, 2016

I expect we are on a timer, and recall comments game would be slow paced. Given the flavor we should have a month in character pass untill the full moon. Only 1.5 weeks went if I recall the exact number he wrote.
But will reread OP. Because I get a chill thinking of eternal D1... brrr...

[retypes all the above]
Don't you just love it when you ctr-c instead of ctrl-v in the middle of the replies? >:(
I really dislike votes that are not explained. Could be because I'm more a Resistance player and noobish at Mafia.
But if Yog has a weakness, it's his individualism. So I'm not putting much weight on his vote. Consider I'm putting vote weight on Quadr's vote, and that is a huuuuge stretch anyways.
PS: Bler is the opposite, too willing to paint a huge target on his back. Though I guess he was mostly all in so early...
Welcome. I'm partial to fire myself. It's in the nick... :D
Yeah yeah, shitty joke, I apologize in advance... well, in short succession... well, you know what I mean.
Emphasis on promising I assume. Such a words lawyer you.
Poast moar u lurker. You got me once, you won't get me twice. >:(