It's not the money, it's the time, unfortunately. More often than not I can't be bothered to deal with the selling of it. That's why whenever I build a new computer every three years, I usually end up tossing the old one. I try to give away whatever parts I can (if I'm lucky and someone I know wants them) but then the rest of it tends to end up in a dumpster. I just tossed a ton of hardware when I was moving to a new state a few months ago.
Ah, true..when money becomes less an of an issue it becomes painfully obvious how limited time is.
GR00T: Heh, I'm still using a 560 Ti - and my chip's a Core i7 920.
I gotta build a new rig...
I remember when the i7 920 was new. I really wanted it but I lacked the funds, I had to stay with a Q9550 for a while until I upgraded to a decent i5 some time ago.
Lin545: Way better option is to donate this to
nouveau project. Thats what I did with my 6600GT many years ago.
That's cool. I've a 8800GT and GTX 470 gathering dust but I think I'll save the GTX 470 as back up.