lincoln1206: Giving those steam games :
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project
Earth 2150 - Lost Souls
Two Worlds 2
If someone wants it, please answer this post ;)
neomaniak: I have the first Two Worlds on Steam. Would be nice to have the second one. Thank you anyway!
check your PM ;)
more games to anyone that wants ;)
DLH KEYS( if any of them is not available on site , you can get here)
Two Worlds 2 [GIVEN] tomyam80
Commander - Conquest Of The America
East India Company Gold Edition
Knights and Merchants HD
Pirates of Black Cove
Two Worlds Game of the Year Edition [GIVEN}
and these are not dlh keys:
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aveyond: Gates of Night
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Fort Defense [GIVEN] IndieKing
just answer this post and give you one key
and if it's not asking too much there's my wishlist:
Simcity 4
Star Wars Galatic Battlegrounds
Fallout 1 and 2
any Empire Earth or Settlers titles
Thanks in advance ;)