Hey there smev81, if there isn't some rep requirement behind your giveaway, I would like to have Incredipede please. I am usually bad in physics type games but I am a casual player so maybe it'll grow on me, I don't know. Anyway, if it works out, thanks in advance and +1 for effort/giveaway regardless.
Edit: This is what I see in terms of giveaway post that I +1 at the moment:
smev81: Have some spare keys on humble bundle to give away.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Bioshock 2
Dear Esther
Dungeon of Dredmor Complete
Dustforce DX
Lone Survivor: Directors´s Cut
RPG Maker Futuristic...
RPG Maker VX Ace
Risk of Rain
Shadowrun Returns (twice)
Super Hexagon
Tales from Space:Mutant Blobs Attack
Teleglitch: Die More Edition
The Bridge
The Novelist
Zenbound 2