Tauto: Has to do with,Money,money,money it's so funny it's a rich man's world.
Leonard03: *
must be funny
I'm kind of sad about this whole thing. I hadn't heard too much about it before release, so hadn't heard about all the crazy (and non-existent) features, as such I'm actually still interested in the game just as it is. Maybe I'll get it in a sale for 5 bucks in a couple years.
There are missing features that were promised but in my opinion the hype did not have anything to do with the promises. I was annoyed when I heard about the hype because I couldn't find any reliable info on the game, so I looked for official statements and if they weren't vague they suggested a bland game. There were no official statements that should have resulted in hype, imo, the only notable thing was the promised size of the universe, which obviously does not result in an enjoyable game.
I think people wanted to hype the game and scammed themselves in a way. ;) That is not to say that I am fine with how vague the dev Murray was about his game. I thought that he was misleading people because he did not state clearly enough what the game was about and what would not be possible.
Still, I was able to tell what the game would actually be like in about an hour or a little longer. The people who fell for the supposed hype are very much at fault themselves.
timppu: I believe Daggerfall was originally pretty much unplayable, crashing a lot, breaking the game so that you couldn't hope to finish it ever etc. etc. Not sure if there is any complete list of bugs that existed in the very first version of the game, but maybe this gives some picture (listing also bugs that happen also in the latest versions, probably even fan patched versions):
http://www.uesp.net/dagger/dagbug.shtml [url=https://tcrf.net/Bugs:The_Elder_Scrolls_II:_Daggerfall]https://tcrf.net/Bugs:The_Elder_Scrolls_II:_Daggerfall[/url]
I have only played the fully fan patched "DaggerfallSetup" version of the game, even that seems quite buggy. I've e.g. dropped through the floor to an empty space especially on big stairs, so if I need to go up such stairs, I often have to use a levitate spell in order to get up damn stairs. :) Also the "super big jump if you run up stairs and jump" happens a lot, but that is kinda funny.
Even with all the fixes, the quests were so broken for me, the text was sometimes broken and names were wrong. Apart from that, Daggerfall has performance issues in forts and so on.