catpower1980: Well, Gamasutra is considered as a reliable source in the gaming industry (not geared towards gamers).
Actually, upon looking at the author, she has only been there since last month, I guess it's time for her to step up her game :o)
Gamasutra's and that author's credentials are irrelevant since they are just reposting the article made by Eurogamer, although I do blame them for calling it a report and not a rumor. By all means, Eurogamer's article on the NX being a handheld hybrid did turn out to be right, so they do have a positive track record, but I still don't like their journalistic practices.
All they do is say "X thing is true, plenty of people told us so". They of course don't identify their sources, and provide no evidence to back up their claims, then write as if there is no doubt about the veracity of the information. An inattentive reader might just take this at face value. Even if it does turn out to be correct, I expect them to be more rigorous.