tburger: Hi,
I’m thinking about buying myself a Nintendo console for Christmas - and I’m on the fence between NEW 2DS and NEW 3DS.
Does anyone have personal experience about 3D gaming on 3DS? Does it work well (especially on retro/Virtual Console console), is it worth to spend extra $50 to get 3D capability?
There are some games where depth perception is genuinely helpful (platformers, 3D scrolling shooters), but those are few and far between. In most games it's a nice effect but not especially beneficial. I generally play with the 3D on as I enjoy the effect and have never personally found it to tire my eyes.
Speaking of retro/virtual console games, what exactly were you expecting in terms of 3D? Virtual console games are all emulated so there's not much room for 3D. Modern 2D games tend to use the 3D only as an enhancement to parallaxing.
Edit: it's worth bearing in mind that the only 3DS still in production are the new 2DS and the new 3DS XL. You wouldn't just be getting 3D for that money but a bigger screen as well. Nope, ignore that. Apparently the only New 2DS is XL.adaliabooks: The main reason I would choose the 3DS over the 2DS is I'd prefer the clam shell design over the flat 2DS.
The New 2DS is clamshell, you're thinking of the (old) 2DS.