Lucian_Galca: Anyone know what dlcs are included in the Stellaris Bundle? The page for the bundle doesn't specify.
Yep it felt somewhat like a con job to me.
My email did not display correctly, so as I regularly need to do half the time these days, I had to go to the web page version of the email.
That temporary web page gave some vague details, but when I went to the specific bundle web pages, all I saw was a blurb, no detail whatsoever about what is included.
And when I went through the redeem code motions, I could not see the price on the second bundle because I hadn't yet bought the first one (or the Stellaris game). So I was even further in the dark.
I admit that a drop in price for the first bundle of around $200 sounds great, but in my view it was artificially inflated anyway.
I've been thinking of buying Stellaris a few times, nearly did once.
But whether I do now or not, all hangs on the total price I would be paying for both bundles, one of which I cannot get.
Both factors have put me off bothering ... and yes I have seen the listings by others here, but I'd rather it was official.
Clarity should not be that difficult ... unless there is a good reason they don't want to be.