Posted October 09, 2020
low rated
B1tF1ghter: Your words in post 823 have contradicting statements.
You claim you KNOW about EGS violations of privacy.
MarkoH01: Where in post 823 is this stated? I'd rather say that he is not aware and that he asks you to tell him about it. Well Marko, you are right, it is not confirmed in original post 823 because it was the original post inbefore my response to it (thus questioning it's legitimacy). If you would follow my short exchange of posts with that person you would likely find the confirmation in one of the later posts easily.
That post 823 did this:
agogfan: (...)I've bought (...) on the Epic Store!
We value the preservation of games and we value our privacy. Which really, I don't know how could I possibly look at something like this seriously.
It really DOES look like either a super oblivious person or a satire (or perhaps a troll, I didn't name this possibility originally).
So I asked (post 826).
And in response I got:
B1tF1ghter: I can't tell if your entire post is a sarcastic satire or if you are exceptionally oblivious.
agogfan: Neither. Which would imply that that person DOES know about these things.
But then this got posted:
So now I don't know what I am supposed to believe as this would again imply that I was right about that person being oblivious / uninformed.
Hope you understand my point now Marko.
I am pretty ridiculously fatigued at the moment (recent time has been really taxing both physically and mentally to me and I am really darn extremely exhausted atm [to not call this mental agony / limbo combo]).
If you are asking for real then I will try to respond within 48 h.
B1tF1ghter: Then we should get a ninja bodyguard to make sure nobody (like some intrusive neighbour) kills the cat /s
StarChan: Don't ninjas like cats? I'm not sure I follow. Nani kore?
For example, naively trusting (NOT ANYMORE AFTER FINDING THIS THREAD) GOG claim that they will "provide time to download offline installers should they go out of business (or other sh*t happening)" while having ludicrously ancient internet (4 Mbps) that would make batch downloading it all a burden (plus being poor and constantly running out of storage, including having a pile of "too old" drives [ergo not reliable nor viable as a longterm backup solution] while not currently having money to buy new drives).
Plus let me quote myself:
B1tF1ghter: You and EVERYBODY else on GOG should not forget that TOS doesn't work backwards / aback.
Present TOS doesn't apply to past purchases.
From legal standpoint if TOS at the time of purchase stated that "Galaxy is optional" and the TOS is someday later changing this line then the TOS legally binding and applying to that specific purchase is the one that was live on the page when the purchase was made.
So they cannot legally take away our offline installers for games purchased when that line was existent in TOS.
Don't forget that.
Don't just blindly put up with whatever line they may put in TOS update.
The TOS doesn't override law. Remember that. Now, after finding this thread I have fundamentally changed my approach (since I am uber tactical in approach to my life) so I:
1.Halted all planned purchases on GOG indefinitely (possibly permanently)
2.Plan obtaining proper backup storage. If you are curious about my plan: (P1) (P2)
3.Basically GOG is burned for me at this point, and I think it's time to move on (I will DEFINITELY not trust them anymore anyway)
Not exactly. There are still places that sell truly DRM-free games, not neccesarily EXCLUSIVELY DRM-free games ONLY but generally yes, for example and Playism.
edit: rearranged some text from P11 to P10 to save space (to not span into 3 posts and keep it within 2)

You claim you KNOW about EGS violations of privacy.

That post 823 did this:

We value the preservation of games and we value our privacy.
It really DOES look like either a super oblivious person or a satire (or perhaps a troll, I didn't name this possibility originally).
So I asked (post 826).
And in response I got:

But then this got posted:
So now I don't know what I am supposed to believe as this would again imply that I was right about that person being oblivious / uninformed.
Hope you understand my point now Marko.
I am pretty ridiculously fatigued at the moment (recent time has been really taxing both physically and mentally to me and I am really darn extremely exhausted atm [to not call this mental agony / limbo combo]).
If you are asking for real then I will try to respond within 48 h.

For example, naively trusting (NOT ANYMORE AFTER FINDING THIS THREAD) GOG claim that they will "provide time to download offline installers should they go out of business (or other sh*t happening)" while having ludicrously ancient internet (4 Mbps) that would make batch downloading it all a burden (plus being poor and constantly running out of storage, including having a pile of "too old" drives [ergo not reliable nor viable as a longterm backup solution] while not currently having money to buy new drives).
Plus let me quote myself:

Present TOS doesn't apply to past purchases.
From legal standpoint if TOS at the time of purchase stated that "Galaxy is optional" and the TOS is someday later changing this line then the TOS legally binding and applying to that specific purchase is the one that was live on the page when the purchase was made.
So they cannot legally take away our offline installers for games purchased when that line was existent in TOS.
Don't forget that.
Don't just blindly put up with whatever line they may put in TOS update.
The TOS doesn't override law. Remember that.
1.Halted all planned purchases on GOG indefinitely (possibly permanently)
2.Plan obtaining proper backup storage. If you are curious about my plan: (P1) (P2)
3.Basically GOG is burned for me at this point, and I think it's time to move on (I will DEFINITELY not trust them anymore anyway)
Not exactly. There are still places that sell truly DRM-free games, not neccesarily EXCLUSIVELY DRM-free games ONLY but generally yes, for example and Playism.
edit: rearranged some text from P11 to P10 to save space (to not span into 3 posts and keep it within 2)
Post edited October 09, 2020 by B1tF1ghter