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If people cared about the supposed problems Youtube has then Vimeo would have developed into real competition long ago. People don't care.
joelandsonja: With all the horrible decisions that YouTube have been making over the years, it looks like there are a number of YouTube creators who are starting to move their content on to a new website/app called LBRY (Library -

Apparently the app is completely open source, and there's still a way to make money. I'm not entire sure how it all works, but I'm excited to see a new platform come along that offers real competition to YouTube. What are your thoughts?
My thoughts? I think YT ROYALLY F***KED themselves by allowing Carlos Maza/Vox to dictate their policy and push their hand, and instead of saying(to themselves) "Wait a minute....maybe we should look into the claims he/they made before purging accounts and enacting guidelines that hit historical channels and documentarians/etc.".

They went with their gut/PR guided response and did what they did and now many major/smaller creators that have been demonitized/might be are either moving to other platforms(and taking the ad revenue they generate for YT even when demonitized away with them) or thinking about it. Heck, a guy called Tim Pool(Timcast) is very centrist yet he has had videos removed due to companies pressuring YT and also has had videos demonitized due to the new laws & he's thinking of jumping ship as well.

And why was all this done? Because one dude didn't like a small handful of jokes made by a comedian using terms Maza has USED HIMSELF(and some shirt that is crass but not truly offensive that the comedian sells) so he launched a PR war to get revenge/people deplatformed.....and then he DOUBLED DOWN and asked for MORE to be done to creators on YT after some had already been deplatformed/demonitized.

In the end I hope people like Carlos Maza have their own special circle of hell to burn in for causing all those people to lose their sources of income over a few mean words he didn't like.


Sorry about the rant, btw.....this subject is dear to me as a few of my favorite people have been taken down or are leaving/losing money because of this guy.

As for alternatives: There is BITCHUTE(Which many are switching to as well) and perhaps minds . com

Maxvorstadt: A digital marketplace? What has this to do with youtube? And why should I download and instal yet another client?
joelandsonja: Users have the option to upload videos on the app for free, but they also have the option to charge (which I doubt many people will use). I agree that having to install an app sucks, but I'm hoping they'll create a website in the future. Who knows.
As I just said there is bitchute, and one can use subscribestar and other paypal/patreon alternatives to get money from fans.
Punington: At this point the only thing that can compete with Youtube is Youtube itself. Meaning, they will have to pull a Facebook regarding a data breach or something similar, repeatedly, in order to even notice a small dent in their popularity.

I can only picture services like Twitch (focused on a certain albeit massive audience) competing for a few breadcrumbs of Youtube's pie. A curated video platform for cultural content would be really nice but considering how Filmstruck ended I'm not sure if that's even an option. Unfortunately, I don't see how LBRY can be sustainable, let alone compete with Youtube at all, especially since currently it requires an app to access their hosted media and doesn't offer anything especial in terms of content.
Maybe not that app, but other sites are popping up and also YT is losing money year after year(they operate at a net loss) and only the major creators and their fanbases and keeping them afloat through ad money. If many of them go YT will suffer.
Darvond: Good luck. Vimeo, Viddler, Blip and others have tried. They vary mostly in range of dead and forgotten to barely sliding by. I mean do you remember Mytube or whatever it was called? Or that short lived one that was made by reddit users?

If Peertube only manages to get a soft occasional mention, I really doubt this will be able to take things by storm.
Those sites started/operated/operated initially when YT was sitll in it;s infancy, iirc......back when YT had profit and not losses on the books. Also massive amounts of users haven't been purged before to such an extent(afaik)....if many left they'd notice and there are sites that are drawing them in....sort of like how newgrounds/etc took in 85%+ of tumblr users after the lewd ban.

Crosmando: What bad decisions exactly has YT made? I don't keep up to date on such things.
Read my first reply guy from Vox got upset at a youtube conservative comedian who called him names(which he used on himself) and called for him to be removed/indirectly threatened YT's ad money by telling advertisers hyperbolic stories about YT discrimination and YT kneejerked and deplatformed/demonitized a boat load of people...including poor small channels who need the income from ads.

When that happened the guy from Vox and Vox doubled down and asked/demanded MORE be done and now more are being taken down/deminitzed. Many now are considering leaving the platform.
Post edited June 21, 2019 by GameRager
Crosmando: What bad decisions exactly has YT made? I don't keep up to date on such things.
like forcing people to have a google+ account which i think google+ has been discontinued now,
hardly any tools for owners of channels to moderate there video comments
and manym ore
One Better then Bitchute is Looks almost exactly like YT!

One of my Favourite Vids!/v/thought-justice/ew23bk2u
Post edited June 21, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: One Better then Bitchute is Looks almost exactly like YT!

One of my Favourite Vids!/v/thought-justice/ew23bk2u
Thanks for the recommendation, but it seems more are going to bit chute after this debacle.

It's still seems to be a good place to check out, though.
fr33kSh0w2012: One Better then Bitchute is Looks almost exactly like YT!

One of my Favourite Vids!/v/thought-justice/ew23bk2u
GameRager: Thanks for the recommendation, but it seems more are going to bit chute after this debacle.

It's still seems to be a good place to check out, though.
Bitchute is HYPER CENSORSHIP Worse then even Youtube Read the article
You will rethink bitchute after reading this!

But that didn’t stop whoever runs the @BitChute account from both “de-listing” (their Orwellian term for removing a video) my content, and attempting to shame me on Gab about it.
Post edited June 21, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
GameRager: Thanks for the recommendation, but it seems more are going to bit chute after this debacle.

It's still seems to be a good place to check out, though.
fr33kSh0w2012: Bitchute is HYPER CENSORSHIP Worse then even Youtube Read the article
You will rethink bitchute after reading this!

But that didn’t stop whoever runs the @BitChute account from both “de-listing” (their Orwellian term for removing a video) my content, and attempting to shame me on Gab about it.
One article and your own testimony is not convincing enough evidence for me to say they are truly bad(this is not to say I don't believe you totally)......but I will take it to heart when gauging them in the future.
Post edited June 21, 2019 by GameRager
fr33kSh0w2012: Bitchute is HYPER CENSORSHIP Worse then even Youtube Read the article
You will rethink bitchute after reading this!

But that didn’t stop whoever runs the @BitChute account from both “de-listing” (their Orwellian term for removing a video) my content, and attempting to shame me on Gab about it.
GameRager: One article and your own testimony is not convincing enough evidence for me to say they are truly bad(this is not to say I don't believe you totally)......but I will take it to heart when gauging them in the future.
also read or D.Tube dude!
Post edited June 21, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
GameRager: One article and your own testimony is not convincing enough evidence for me to say they are truly bad(this is not to say I don't believe you totally)......but I will take it to heart when gauging them in the future.
fr33kSh0w2012: also read or D.Tube dude!
You forgot minds.
I was getting to that Here
low rated
GameRager: You forgot minds.
fr33kSh0w2012: I was getting to that Here
I will keep them all in mind, but I will stick with bitchute as well(for now) as some of my favroite creators are moving there. :)
fr33kSh0w2012: I was getting to that Here
GameRager: I will keep them all in mind, but I will stick with bitchute as well(for now) as some of my favroite creators are moving there. :)
they are Moving there and to as well so don't miss out!
low rated
GameRager: I will keep them all in mind, but I will stick with bitchute as well(for now) as some of my favroite creators are moving there. :)
fr33kSh0w2012: they are Moving there and to as well so don't miss out!
Hence why I said i'd keep them all in mind. ;)
Crosmando: What bad decisions exactly has YT made? I don't keep up to date on such things.
moobot83: like forcing people to have a google+ account which i think google+ has been discontinued now,
hardly any tools for owners of channels to moderate there video comments
and manym ore
I mean, having to link your google account was kinda annoying I guess, but it hardly means the site is beyond repair, it's just some annoying thing you had to do which took you a few minutes time.
joelandsonja: ...
So one clarification needed: this is not a video content hosting service like Youtube, but rather a protocol?

When you watch a LBRY video, where does the content come from exactly? Apparently not from or anything like that, but from the PCs of other users, like with bittorrent?

If that is the case (ie. a decentralized video streaming protocol), then it does sound like an interesting approach, and might even work (just like bittorrent still works, and no one needs to care whether "bittorrent" is making a loss or profit; who cares, right?)