Posted December 12, 2013

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 12, 2013

"Interface font sizes can get ridiculously small. In the Inventory screen where you right click on the item itself, a pop up menu appears with options. The choices are barely readable on my monitor at 1440x900 resolution. Make the text stand out more in the menus."
Journal text description is also straining to read.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted December 12, 2013
OK im likely being very stupid but ive been awake for 17 hours and had 3 hours sleep in the last 48 so im probly not doing "too" bad.
Where is the address to send faults to? I had a crash and it asked to send the logs but I didnt see where to send it to.
Where is the address to send faults to? I had a crash and it asked to send the logs but I didnt see where to send it to.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 12, 2013

Where is the address to send faults to? I had a crash and it asked to send the logs but I didnt see where to send it to.
Though I continue to tell the programmers not to put bugs in their code since they will just have to remove them later, we know there will be many a pesky bug. With that in mind we’re launching our CenterCode bug reporting site now as well. Each eligible backer will be receiving an invitation email to your Ranger Center primary email. Follow the link to register on CenterCode, providing detailed information on your PC as you do so.
The site itself is pretty straightforward; you can report bugs and input suggestions which go straight into our internal bug reporting system, where we deal with duplicates and assign them to the appropriate developer. Simply describe your problem or suggestion, go into as much detail as possible (especially on how to reproduce bugs) and hit submit. The other important function of CenterCode is the “Resources” tab, which we’ll use to provide technical FAQs, system requirements, troubleshooting info and more as we progress in the beta.
I must also give thanks and praise to the hard working team here at inXile. I am fortunate to work with such a bright and passionate group of people who are hyper focused on making a game we can all be proud of. Thanks, everyone!
We’ve all been pouring our heart and soul into Wasteland 2, and I hope it shows. I’ll never forget the elation from those first two days of our Kickstarter campaign and how happy I was to get this chance. Now, after the long journey, I am filled with excitement and"

Registered: Sep 2009
From United Kingdom

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted December 12, 2013
Tried the game on my 46" HDTV. The inventory screen still looked pretty small even at large font, although I was on my couch 6-8ft away. I couldn't play it on there unless I moved my couch 4ft away.
Inventory screen goes full-screen with the shortcut keys, I for Inventory, J for Journal, and C for Character Stats. You can change between the character pretty easily just like the BG Inventory. Though on those pages my laptop really struggles. They have a video of the character selected spinning, and electrical surges which is probably the cause of the slow down besides my slow ass laptop.
The small text is excruciating, it may also be the color combos of Green on Black. Which is what the inventory screen looks like. The dot matrix printer to the bottom right, I can make out pretty clearly at large type, though would like that a smidge bigger as well and a way to hide it. During fire fights the paper from that thing gets in the way.
Is there anyway to hide the GUI during fights?
Finding a crapload of typos...should I be reporting those or is being a grammar nazi frowned upon while beta testing. Noticed on attacks it says"Bob shoots Feral Dogs for for 11 points of damage" Double "for" on every line.
I dropped my res to 1280x720 and it runs better, but I thought it would help with the small text...nope shrinks that with the res.
Inventory screen goes full-screen with the shortcut keys, I for Inventory, J for Journal, and C for Character Stats. You can change between the character pretty easily just like the BG Inventory. Though on those pages my laptop really struggles. They have a video of the character selected spinning, and electrical surges which is probably the cause of the slow down besides my slow ass laptop.
The small text is excruciating, it may also be the color combos of Green on Black. Which is what the inventory screen looks like. The dot matrix printer to the bottom right, I can make out pretty clearly at large type, though would like that a smidge bigger as well and a way to hide it. During fire fights the paper from that thing gets in the way.
Is there anyway to hide the GUI during fights?
Finding a crapload of typos...should I be reporting those or is being a grammar nazi frowned upon while beta testing. Noticed on attacks it says"Bob shoots Feral Dogs for for 11 points of damage" Double "for" on every line.
I dropped my res to 1280x720 and it runs better, but I thought it would help with the small text...nope shrinks that with the res.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by jjsimp

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 12, 2013

Inventory screen goes full-screen with the shortcut keys, I for Inventory, J for Journal, and C for Character Stats. You can change between the character pretty easily just like the BG Inventory. Though on those pages my laptop really struggles. They have a video of the character selected spinning, and electrical surges which is probably the cause of the slow down besides my slow ass laptop.
The small text is excruciating, it may also be the color combos of Green on Black. Which is what the inventory screen looks like. The dot matrix printer to the bottom right, I can make out pretty clearly at large type, though would like that a smidge bigger as well and a way to hide it. During fire fights the paper from that thing gets in the way.
Is there anyway to hide the GUI during fights?
Finding a crapload of typos...should I be reporting those or is being a grammar nazi frowned upon while beta testing. Noticed on attacks it says"Bob shoots Feral Dogs for for 11 points of damage" Double "for" on every line.
I dropped my res to 1280x720 and it runs better, but I thought it would help with the small text...nope shrinks that with the res.

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted December 12, 2013
Reread their guide and they say to report typos...So, I've done two bug reports and a suggestion.
One for the double "for" typo on attack sequences. Will add a few more as well that I noticed.
And one for when you exit the full-screen inventory screen you can not zoom in and out of the map until you either select one of your guys or you move.
Added a suggestion to be able to hide or at least minimize the UI during combat. That printer takes up too much room. You can hide the Weapon UI in the lower left by left-clicking on it, but none of the other ones do. You can also make the printer paper longer or shorter by clicking-holding on it and moving up or down...not what I mean by hiding it.
I think they are going to absolutely hate me after this beta with the number of typos I will be reporting.
One for the double "for" typo on attack sequences. Will add a few more as well that I noticed.
And one for when you exit the full-screen inventory screen you can not zoom in and out of the map until you either select one of your guys or you move.
Added a suggestion to be able to hide or at least minimize the UI during combat. That printer takes up too much room. You can hide the Weapon UI in the lower left by left-clicking on it, but none of the other ones do. You can also make the printer paper longer or shorter by clicking-holding on it and moving up or down...not what I mean by hiding it.
I think they are going to absolutely hate me after this beta with the number of typos I will be reporting.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by jjsimp

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted December 12, 2013
Just noticed I still had my laptop in power saver mode. That may explain it's sluggishness. Back up to 1600x900 and will start increasing the detail.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted December 12, 2013

Oh, and in one of the write ups he mentions there will be additional dialog added for selecting characters and stuff.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 12, 2013

Oh, and in one of the write ups he mentions there will be additional dialog added for selecting characters and stuff.

noob user
Registered: May 2009
From Singapore
Posted December 12, 2013
So far I've submitted 2 bug reports. The first pertaining to the encounter at Highpool where you enter encounter and exit encounter the very next second, you'll have to keep doing that and walk towards one of the Wreckers to actually enter combat or shoot him.
The second is going out of Highpool's tunnel level into Highpool, and trying to go back in, the tunnel levels simply don't load anymore. Pretty gamebreaking.
Also trying to traverse the tunnel level in Highpool with a full party is kind of a nightmare, since they get stuck at doors and stuff. Have to exit and reload to make them go through. I haven't submitted a bug report for that.
I think they'll love you since you're making it easier for them.
The second is going out of Highpool's tunnel level into Highpool, and trying to go back in, the tunnel levels simply don't load anymore. Pretty gamebreaking.
Also trying to traverse the tunnel level in Highpool with a full party is kind of a nightmare, since they get stuck at doors and stuff. Have to exit and reload to make them go through. I haven't submitted a bug report for that.
I think they'll love you since you're making it easier for them.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by cw8

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted December 12, 2013

"I must say I am very happy with the musical score that Mark Morgan has put together, he’s doing a great job nailing the mood we envisioned. We are still weak in the ambient sound area and we know how important sound is for setting the mood and connecting you to the world. In addition, we need more sounds for messaging player successes or failures and the sound levels are not dialed in yet which creates an inconsistency in volume.
We are also not finalized on all of the voices so again don’t assume that voices are set in stone. I thought it better for you to get a sense of the radio with some temp voices if need be."
Okay, Fantastic Mode looked better, but everything above Fast runs like crap on my laptop even with AA disabled. While Fast can run 8X AA with no problems. Except for the Inventory UI which is slow. All that at my 1600x900 res.
Post edited December 12, 2013 by jjsimp

noob user
Registered: May 2009
From Singapore
Posted December 13, 2013
There's a 111MB patch for me for starting the game now. Not sure what it is.