catpower1980: Yup, it's the biggest step forward I've seen in years for this program
mistermumbles: That's an understatement if I ever saw one. This looks like it's going to be the biggest update to Paint since Win 95. *shakes head in wonder*
Also, WTF is up with that girl's hair in the first video? Sheesh.
that is what culture in Seattle has become ... and it takes all of like a week for people (mostly girls) who leave that area to go "hey, I look like a jack ass" and grow their hair back out.
babark: I giggled :D.
I use Paint regularly. And I want back to the original version. They keep adding crap to it :(
LiefLayer: I was talking about blender XD
MaximumBunny: Been there, done that. They don't work for me. I need quality instruction, not volunteers with no understanding of teaching or those idiots that try to sell their subpar lessons as premium. As many resources as Blender has none of them are any good. Being able to have learned from them just means you don't require quality resources to learn anything, which is good for you but shouldn't be expected to be the standard for everyone. This is one of the major problems out there with many subjects.
LiefLayer: well but I cannot use Paint 3D to make 3D human model with a skeleton to animate... so I have no choice.
At least Blender is easier than 3dsmax or Maya or Cinema 4D, and it is also free.
Paint 3D is not a tool for me... still if you can use that good for you, I just said that I prefer blender because is not limited and since you said "fuck off blender" (or something like that) I said that for me blender is not that bad.
Finally I don't see any "quality instructions" for Paint 3D (and they don't show how to create a 3d model), they just download a 3d model and mix it with a 2D image.
Still I saw many quality tutorials made for blender... the only problem is that some of them are outdated... but the basic 3d modelling is easy.
I noticed that they were making a heavy push on using "Surface" tablets & styluses in the videos, not actual PC's and mice or even Wacom tablets ... my money is on this being an exclusive to the Surface line (or at least intentionally gimped on PC) and the main focus of it is as a toy for kids / software illiterate managers.
both videos also make take time to offhandly mention how there are options to download 3D resources, but also make sure to not get specific about how to do so ... so I also have money on them being for sale in the windows store.