Crisco1492: "teh heat", eh? I think Melbourne's been hovering at 1-3 degrees centigrade for the past week.
Fairfox: then im at a loss. p'haps its too
cold instead
Australia is about the size of the United States, and encompasses climate that ranges from the tropics to the poles (technically Australia has territories in Antarctica … but so do dozens of countries) and certainly as far as Macquarie Island (a little bit of oceanic crust —— which is different to continental crust in density —— thrust up above sea level, like Iceland) half-way between New Zealand and Antarctica. Almost every person lives on the coast (there are a million or so who don't, but the interior of the continent is dry and hot, so few who don't work on the land live there).
So, depending on who you are talking to, the climate may be radically different. I live where I was born, about a sixth of the way to the pole, in a temperate zone. Now is the depth of winter and it is quite chilly at night, down almost to single digits (celsius), and the ocean water temperature is not as pleasant as in summer, now in the high teens (again, celsius, because Australia uses the metric system). Temperatures during the day are more moderate, between twenty and thirty degrees. (In summer the temperature rises, naturally, and it is not unusual to reach mid-thirties. But then the ocean temperatures are also quite balmy, and it the clean fresh water makes for a nice refresher.)