Firek: If I understand correctly, you were on the X Rebirth product page, and clicked "add to cart" under "buy series". The series lists all the X games, including X Rebirth - not the Complete Edition instead, or the Complete Edition Upgrade alongside the base game.
The Upgrade is available on the same page as well, above the "buy series" section. It is not listed again under "buy series".
Another reason why it is not listed here (other than not listing the same thing twice) is that we would rather not force the Upgrade by default, onto people who want to buy the series, and make them pay more for something they may not want.
If someone wants to get the Upgrade, they're welcome to do so either by buying it in the same order, or in a separate order afterwards. There is no discount for buying X Rebirth together with the Upgrade, so it makes no difference when one purchases it.
omega64: Alright, that makes sense.
Just read this again, not how I saw it,
My memory is fallible.
Example, for years I've said I discovered GOG after getting broken KOTOR 1 and 2 on Steam, and believed it true.
This incident led to my discovering that's not factual
My first GOG game(s), according to GOG were;
The Longest Journey
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (I crowdfunded Dreamfall: Chapters as well), memory suggests link?
The reality is as I now see, that KOTOR was, when GOG replaced Steam, as my preferred store.
Dying Light this happened for certain, i owned it on Steam at the time it changed, now it's again just Dying Light.
I stand by my second posts sequence of events, accepting it's from memory, but whether accurate or not, it's how it looked from my viewpoint.
The warning is valid, regardless of the X Rebirth facts, This certainly happened with Dying Light on Steam.
If GOG find a genuine reason, to cause this appearance of deception, accidentally, I will accept it, in that case.
That doesn't affect the warnings existence, that's validated by a single example, that is Dying Light.
I no longer own Dying Light on Steam, I got game and expansion when released on GOG, the day before X Series.
These release day purchases for products I already own, on a Store Client, get a slight discount.
Price isn't an issue for me, buying the correct version is.
Offline installer and DRM free is worth it for me.