Sauc_: Hello, I am new to the PC gaming world. I have been playing Fortnite but other then that i dont know what other games are good. I would like to expand my gaming experience, I like all types of games... FPS, Racing, games like LBP (idk what that would be considered) but if anyone has any suggestions that would be great! Thank you in advanced ;)
I have a copy-pasted (unfinished) list of games on GOG I can recommend to varying degrees:
Pajama Sam Vol. 1 (better deal than 2)
Pajama Sam Vol. 2
(remember to check out GOG's free games) postal 2; postal 2 paradise lost; far cry; rayman 2;
serious sam 1st and 2nd encounter; unreal gold; rayman 3; beyond good and evil; little big adventure 2; fallout 1; system shock 2; terraria; unreal 2; tomb raider 1-3; sin gold; red faction; redneck rampage; monster bash; gex; medal of honor aa; redline; rune classic; shadow warrior classic complete (
free); tomb raider 4+5; realms of chaos; carmageddon 2; raptor call of shadows; world of goo; flatout 1; pandemonium; ultimate doom; blood; quake 1; jedi academy; bio menace (free); return to castle wolf; limbo; tron 2.0; torchlight; crysis; tomb raider angel of darkness (get fixes)