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What does everybody think of what they've done to the characters?
Ben Grimm is too gneiss.
grimwerk: Ben Grimm is too gneiss.
grimwerk: Ben Grimm is too gneiss.
And not werkk enough ?
I've heard the new Human Torch spends the entire movie "...pumping out babies to get welfare, pushing drugs, not working..."
tinyE: I've heard the new Human Torch spends the entire movie "...pumping out babies to get welfare, pushing drugs, not working..."
In the first place Sue and Johnny Storm are supposed to be brother and sister. Johnny is white in the comics. How can he be black in the movie? Doesn't make sense!
tinyE: I've heard the new Human Torch spends the entire movie "...pumping out babies to get welfare, pushing drugs, not working..."
ShadowWalker56: In the first place Sue and Johnny Storm are supposed to be brother and sister. Johnny is white in the comics. How can he be black in the movie? Doesn't make sense!
Interracial parents?
ShadowWalker56: In the first place Sue and Johnny Storm are supposed to be brother and sister. Johnny is white in the comics. How can he be black in the movie? Doesn't make sense!
tinyE: Interracial parents?
They should stick to the comics and not try to be PC.
grimwerk: Ben Grimm is too gneiss.
Telika: And not werkk enough ?
Aye! Sadly, I spent precious minutes wondering "In what language is werkk a geological term?" Then I felt obtuse.
Telika: And not werkk enough ?
grimwerk: Aye! Sadly, I spent precious minutes wondering "In what language is werkk a geological term?" Then I felt obtuse.
tinyE: Interracial parents?
ShadowWalker56: They should stick to the comics and not try to be PC.
Agreed. I hate it when the all white integrity of my comic books is sacrificed for something as silly as racial equality. XD
Post edited July 17, 2015 by tinyE
ShadowWalker56: They should stick to the comics and not try to be PC.
tinyE: Agreed. I hate it when the racial integrity of my comic books is sacrificed for something as silly as racial equality. XD
That's as bad as Batgirl being Alfred's niece rather than Commission Gordon's daughter.
tinyE: Agreed. I hate it when the all white integrity of my comic books is sacrificed for something as silly as racial equality. XD
Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, being white and all, but I always found that kind of changes for the sake of "racial equality" actually rather insulting. It's like saying "no, no, you're black. You cannot like or identify with the white characters. Here, we'll make this one black for you." I never felt like I can't like a movie because the main character is a woman, or is black, or asian or gay or whatever. True equality mean that it doesn't matter. And forcing such changes on established characters to appeal to some demographic only reinforces the feeling that it does.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Breja
Breja: True equality mean that it doesn't matter.
Counterpoint: to a bunch of people, it does matter. So since people like you and I don't care - and perhaps don't even notice - why not change things up a bit? Most of the characters seem to be pretty much identical to the comic versions. And given that comics reboot so regularly, there should be very little surprise that little details change from time to time.

Making Johnny Storm black will have no additional effect on the story. it's as minimal a change as making Nick Fury black because you know Samuel Jackson is a bad motherfucker. He is, and Nick Fury is, so it all sort of makes sense.
Breja: True equality mean that it doesn't matter.
OneFiercePuppy: Counterpoint: to a bunch of people, it does matter. So since people like you and I don't care - and perhaps don't even notice - why not change things up a bit?
Well in this case I do care, as obviously Johnny and Sue are not related in the same way they are in the comics. What impact it will have on the story, if any, I can't say yet, but it does alter thing quite a bit. Also, the actor they chose does not strike me as a choice so great it was a great casting choice regardless of race.

For example, I had no issues wit Laurence Fishburne as Perry White in Man of Steel, as that really has no impact on anything, and Fishburne is pretty much perfect for the role, so color-blind casting there made sense. And it felt as just that- color blind casting, rather than an attempt to appeal to a demographic.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by Breja