Dark_Ansem: And since technically Diamond isn't being removed, this is just you being an asinine fool.
it is "technically removed."
you can't buy diamond edition OR ee.
as i said in my original post, choice is a good thing to have.
new users can't choose which version they want. either they fork out a ton of money for an ee that they may not feel is worth it so they can get the original bundled in [which is maybe what they DID want in the first place.] or they don't buy in at all. that seems like a "non-choice" to me if ever there was one.
i looked a little more into some of your other replies and i'd like to say one other thing:
not everyone's in your fiscal situation. to some - especially some new players who might have been curious about the old ad+d games, those old price points might have been an attractive "buy spot." i mean this in the sense that $10 would be a great price for an old game that they might only have dipped their toes into.
$50 [at the very high end for this bundle] probably does a /very/ good job of pushing away potential customers.
finally: new people come to these games all the time. the fact that this was on the store for as long as it was as the diamond edition means very little. future gamers coming to gog now don't have a cheap onramp to discover d+d. they have this or bust. which is a shame.
circling back around to my original point: removing choice is always the worst way to do things.