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It's not a gaming-related topic at all, sorry for this, but I need some help and I promise It'll be short.

My girlfriend is working on a drawing that someone asked her : a fake propaganda poster based on the ones of the WWII, but the person want something in russian written in it. And both of us don't know any word in Russian and the few Russians we know aren't available immediatly.
So I thought about you guys, maybe some of you can help ! It's simply to translate "No more steps backward !" or something in a similar spirit (with the idea that "we won't fall back [anymore]") (in french it was "Plus un pas en arrrière !").

Thanks in advance for any help :)
Have you already posted in the Russian language forum?! - might sound daft, but...
Splatsch: So I thought about you guys, maybe some of you can help ! It's simply to translate "No more steps backward !" or something in a similar spirit (with the idea that "we won't fall back [anymore]") (in french it was "Plus un pas en arrrière !").
No more stepts backward! - Ни шагу назад!
We won't fall back! - Мы не отступим!
Nothing will stop us! - Ничто не остановит нас!
Sachys: Have you already posted in the Russian language forum?! - might sound daft, but...
I thought about it... But I wasn't sure if it was very busy and was thinking I may have better luck to find someone here, but you're certainly right, I'm making a copy of this thread right now in Russian Language forum !
Edit : it seems someone already answered here when I was answering :)
Splatsch: So I thought about you guys, maybe some of you can help ! It's simply to translate "No more steps backward !" or something in a similar spirit (with the idea that "we won't fall back [anymore]") (in french it was "Plus un pas en arrrière !").
Sarisio: No more stepts backward! - Ни шагу назад!
We won't fall back! - Мы не отступим!
Nothing will stop us! - Ничто не остановит нас!
That's perfect ! And very fast :D
Thank you very, very much !! You have kudos from my girlfriend ! (and from me of course :))
Post edited October 12, 2015 by Splatsch
Nice one!
Sachys: Nice one!
Haha ;)
Sarisio: No more stepts backward! - Ни шагу назад!
We won't fall back! - Мы не отступим!
Nothing will stop us! - Ничто не остановит нас!
How in the world could I ever hope to learn that language. The characters alone are so out of my brain reach.

Learning English alone is difficult enough for me, but it's easier since the characters are easy to understand, but things like Mandarin, Japanese, Arab chars are so out of this world. xD
Sarisio: No more stepts backward! - Ни шагу назад!
We won't fall back! - Мы не отступим!
Nothing will stop us! - Ничто не остановит нас!
zeroxxx: How in the world could I ever hope to learn that language. The characters alone are so out of my brain reach.

Learning English alone is difficult enough for me, but it's easier since the characters are easy to understand, but things like Mandarin, Japanese, Arab chars are so out of this world. xD
They're easy to learn once you put your mind to it. I was kind of intimidated by the Cyrillic alphabet at first but once you get the basic letters down it gets a bit easier :) I am by no means an expert but I can pick out individual words by now :D

"Мы не отступим" - "My nie otstupim!" The only letters that give me trouble are ones like this one: ы :D

It also helps to know someone who can speak both Russian and English fluently and they can give you some tips about the language. I had a good bit of help from Sanjuro, the RU forum's resident cyborg :D
Post edited October 12, 2015 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: They're easy to learn once you put your mind to it. I was kind of intimidated by the Cyrillic alphabet at first but once you get the basic letters down it gets a bit easier :) I am by no means an expert but I can pick out individual words by now :D

"Мы не отступим" - "My nie otstupim!" The only letters that give me trouble are ones like this one: ы :D
After our vacation in Russia, my wife and I still joke about going out to eat at a pectopah.
Everyone speaks Russian!
babark: Russian?
Everyone speaks Russian!
Woah, what a fun band!!
Oldie but a goodie, everybody speaks russian!

Oops: it's very vulgar, so underaged people and lighthearted dont watch it

It depends where you live and how many people of that kind are in your country.
Post edited October 12, 2015 by dewtech