Cavalary: Surprised to see Septerra Core in that company. Quite liked it, more than I thought I would, but definitely unlike the others.
As for NotR, may have suggested Gothic 2 myself, but the change in character development and the difficulty spike brought by NotR is why I started that game in 2005 and am yet to finish it. Probably not even halfway through last time I gave it a go, which save date says was March 2012. Didn't even dare since, despite the fond memories and quite the draw it has, what I was saying about feeling at home in Khorinis. Probably messed up too, trying to find ways around things that were either just too hard or too frustrating, impossible to do "right".
Septerra Core was the first game I played. It holds a special place for me. But, that apart, I found the story and lore interesting, also how the magic system works. I enjoyed playing a female protagonist and the relationships between the characters can hold some depth - if you choose to engage with the game in that manner.
I loved the difficulty spike in NotR. Plus, there are additional quests and narrative depth that come with this version of Gothic II. The difficulty does mean you have to pick your fights very carefully at the start, but this scenario does improve quite rapidly.
One game I missed off was Divine Divinity - loved the humour and the Easter Eggs, also the skill tree in this one.