ignisferroque: Hm hope so, they really put a lot of work into it so far, would be amazing to see a release one day. Bet it would be a lot more faithful to the original than the new Myst Masterpiece Edition, somehow that always seemed "wrong" to me.
Oh true forgot about the videos, as long as they stay as far away as possible from those creepy things in part V im good tho ;)
Might it be too much for some of the notekeeping to be internalized into some manner of visual hinting?
Hear this out. Let's say I read the book on the Selentic age. IE, that infamous one that requires you to solve a bloody piano key puzzle which is unfair to the tone deaf, hearing impaired, and deaf. But at the end of that book, the Stranger sees the piano notes and internalizes it as a thought. After solving the much more simple puzzle to open the door, the Stranger spots the organ, and upon sounding it, is able to overlay the chart on the organ. From hearing the sequence, the correct positions on the levers would be highlighted, removing any need to just do things all fiddly. This would still reward observational skills, after all.
This of course would be optional, but would help engage some of the players who are otherwise forgetful, or unable to work with them, or those who don't want to deal with
some puzzles and just want to look at the pretty pictures.
To a further point, might I inquire as to what felt off about Masterpiece Edition?