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Colonization - PC/Amiga
Assassins Creed - Odessey - PC
Rimworld - PC
The shadow of the beast - Amiga
Europa Universalis IV - PC
The Long Dark - PC
Dune 2 - Amiga
Sensible World of Soccer - Amiga
The Witcher 3 - PC
Mass Effect - PC
Dungeon Siege - PC
Dungeon Master - Amiga
Rome Total War - PC
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun - PC
The Last of Us - PS3
Tomb Raider - PS1
Silent Hill - PS1
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time - Nintendo 64
Sim City - Nintendo 64

What are the chances of getting Dungeon Siege on GOG?


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Playstation
Def Jam Fight for NY - GameCube
Devil May Cry - Playstation 2
Diablo 2 - PC
Die Hard Trilogy - Playstation
Grandia II - Dreamcast
GTA: Vice City - Playstation 2
James Bond: Nightfire - GameCube
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Playstation 2
Need For Speed Most Wanted - PC
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast - PSP
Parasite Eve II - Playstation
Quake III Arena - PC
Resident Evil 2 - GameCube
Silent Hill 2 - PC
Soul Calibur 2 - GameCube
Tekken 3 - Playstation
Unreal Tournament GOTY - PC
Warcraft 3 - PC
World of Warcraft - PC
GTA: Vice city - what a great game

The first time that flying felt real!
Final Fantasy VI - SNES
Baldur's Gate II - PC
Grim Dawn - PC
Diablo II - PC
Final Fantasy IX - PlayStation/Android
DOOM (2016) - PC
Fallout 2 - PC
Demon's Souls - PS3
Legend of Dragoon - PlayStation
Final Fantasy VII- PlayStation/PC
NCAA Football 2014 - PS3
Bioshock - PC
Baldur's Gate - PC
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - PC
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - SNES
Final Fantasy IV - SNES
Final Fantasy - NES
Bioshock Infinite - PC
Silent Hill 2 - PS2
Post edited June 14, 2019 by paladin181
Thank you, Paladin

I love Grim Dawn, too. I'm going to look up some of your favs that I don't know.

Silent Hill 2 - I think I only played it once. Will defo revisit it.
Batman: Arkham City - PC
Shadow Man - PS, PC
Trinity - Infocom Text Adventure - Apple IIe
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - PC
XCOM: The Enemy Within - PC
Darkest Dungeon - PC
Skyrim - PC
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword - PC
Grim Dawn - PC
Tomb Raider (2013) - PC
Recursed - PC
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines - PC
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy
Fallout 2 - PC
The Evil Within - PC
Antichamber - PC
Limbo - PC
DOOM (2016) - PC
Into the Brach - PC
Mass Effect - PC

Not in order, and I'm sure I've it wrong somehow - forgetting something better than what's on there.

There are some tough choices, though. I loved Silent HIll, but I actually thinkk Evil Within is better. But I have those nostalgiac feels for Silent Hill. Oh, well, there are some oldies in there that in my opinion still hold up. And some very new ones, too, that I think are great.

I'll do my best, but I just know I'm gonna fuck this up.

Diablo 2 - PC
Tomb Raider 1 - PC
Tomb Raider 2 - PC
Tomb Raider Anniversary - PC
Commandos - PC
Commandos 2 - PC
Contra - NES
StarCraft 1 - PC
Tecmo Bowl - NES
Carmageddon 2 - PC
Aztec - Apple//
Wings of Fury - Apple//
Ring King - NES
GTA Vice City - PC
GTA San Andreas - PC
Saints Row 2 - PC
Star Wars GBS - PC
AOE 1 - PC
AOE 2 - PC

Honorable Mention to Thief 2 and every C&C Tiberian game up to and including #3.
Post edited June 14, 2019 by tinyE
Man I wish Dungeon Master was on GOG. It's the perfect game for GOG.
Half-life + mods
Diablo 2
World of Warcraft
Warcraft 2
Diablo (I'm seeing a pattern)
Metal Gear Solid
Golden Sun
Half-life 2
Legend of Zelda: OOT (not the Scottish oot)
Stalker (anything but clear sky)
Dues Ex / Human Revolution
GTA: Vice City
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Uncharted 2
Dragon Age: Origins
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
Call of Duty + United Offensive expansion pack (shoutout to having to upgrade to 512mb of ram)
Mario Galaxy 2
This is what jumps to mind off the top of my head:

Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Dragon Age:Origins
No Man's Sky
Neverwinter Nights
Witcher series (3 games)
Wasteland 2
Fallout:New Vegas
Skyrim (heavily modded)
Mass Effect
Gothic 2
Divinity:Original Sin
Shadowrun series (3 games)

Not a full score of games, but that's what i can think of right now. All PC.
Jagged Alliance
Jagged Alliance 2
Dark Souls
Fallout 2
NieR: Automata
Dark Souls 3
Grand Prix Legends
Genghis Khan 2
Forza Motorsport 6
Forza Horizon 4
Flying Corp Gold
Baldurs Gate
Divinity Original Sin
Gothic 2
Fallout 3
Bioshock Infinite
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Sunset Overdrive
Post edited June 15, 2019 by CMOT70
Witcher series
Dragon Age:Origins
AC Odyssey
Mass Effect Trilogy
Baldur's Gate II
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
Divinity:Original Sin II
NWN 1 & 2
Gangsters 2
Expeditions Viking
20? Normally people only ask for 5!

- Blade Runner
- Warcraft 3
- Dawn of War : Dark Crusade
- Kerbal Space Program
- Terraria
- Fallout 2
- Disciples 2
- GTA 3 SA
- Civilization 4
- Transport Tycoon Deluxe
- Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
- Caesar 3
- Pharaoh
- Half-Life 2
- Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast
- Populous the Beginning
- Don't Starve
- Batman Arkham City
- XCom UFO Defense
- Commandos 2

All on PC
Post edited June 15, 2019 by Matewis
I can only think of 10 right now.

Red Alert 2
Wizardry 8
Baldur's Gate 2
Might & Magic 6
Wizardry 7
Tiberium Sun
Baldur's Gate
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Warcraft 3
Might & Magic 7

I generally put games on favorites lists according to how they are to play with ONLY official patches, not mods or fan patches, which is why games like Arcanum or Fallout 2 will probably never get on my lists.
Post edited June 15, 2019 by Crosmando
Betrayal at Krondor
Planet's Edge
Links 2003
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
Patrician IV
Anno 1404 Venice
Might and Magic
World of Xeen
Drakensang..River of Time
Star Wolves 3 Civil War
Port Royale 3
Kings Bounty..series
Crusader Kings
Baldur's Gate
The Witcher
Two Worlds
Heroes of Might and Magic...series

And plenty more that I left off the list.