WOW, 2 think i was the 1st 2 win (according 2 list) this time... it's really almost unbelievable the generosity of our dear Doc hv 4 our community. I get mind-blown just thinking abt it, hope u dun mind me calling u 'Mad Doc' (in a gd way of cos), wat u do on a regular basis is quite insane 2 me. Please accept my humblest THKS once again fr the bottom of my heart.
While u hv made me a very happy GOGer cos i can finally play the Hellfire expansion which i sorely missed on playing before now, i'm sure u too hv derived much pleasure as well knowing the joy u brought 2 so many of us here. We really can't thk u enough.
Lastly, congrats 2 all the other winners as well. Please do give him a +1 (which frankly he deserved so much more than just a +1) so as 2 show our appreciation 4 him other than just thking him. Then again, i probably wun need 2 ask u ppl 2 do that cos that is pretty much a given? Lol. ;D