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mmtaylor: ... Now, when I started using the original GOG Downloader, all of these issues would magically disappear, and life was hunky-dory. ...
Wow. They really must have done something wrong with Galaxy for your games.As incredible as it sounds, this is almost the only possible explanation.
Gilozard: No, it's understandable that Galaxy would cause graphical issues and game crashes.

Galaxy is a Steam-clone, which means that it's interacting with the game during play. Graphical glitches are are a very likely consequences of trying to run a pre-Windows 7 program and a current program at the same time. Running drastically different programs that use the same resources at the same time is also a reasonable cause of crashes.

The graphical model for Windows changed enough, and game programming was sloppy enough, that I would expect issues just from new program + old program running together. Add in the 2 programs trying to talk to each other, and possible Galaxy mistakes during the installation? Definitely reasonable for Galaxy to cause issues playing the game.

Yes, exactly.

Less likely but still possible causes:

1) Programs from different eras trying to communicate causing hiccups
2) Competing use of resources
3) Galaxy mistake during installation
BKGaming: No it's really not, the overlay is currently only interacting with the Witcher 3... no other game contains any code yet for this (other than maybe some of the newer ones), nor does Galaxy currently contain anyway for the user to interact with the overlay. Meaning it's unlikely the overlay would be conflicting with anything other than the Witcher 3 for the achievement overlay which again is only being used in the Witcher 3, and shouldn't be running during any other game. The only other interaction is the game play time which is just counting how long the exe is running, not exactly interacting within the game itself.

Not saying it can't happen when the overlay is out, but right now Galaxy has little to no interaction with a game when it is running unless it's a newer game that includes code for Galaxy services. None of these older games have that. OP is grasping at straws, and like many on GOG quick to blame Galaxy.

Pretty much right now, Galaxy is nothing than a glorified launcher that runes as as completely separate process/program. Your claim about crashes it more realistic, but even that is unlikely. Make the game slower sure, but any modern computer will have the resources for programs running in the background, which on a typical computer today is a lot. Any of which could also conflict with a running game.
Like I said, just trying to run an old enough Windows program together with a new program will be enough to cause crashes, due to the changes in how Windows handles windowing and graphics. The overlay doesn't need to interact with the game for that to happen. It's a matter of Windows not handling tthings very well.

The other aspects are possible causes of issues. I don't use Galaxy because I've been around GOG long enough to know better, so I was offering several possible causes.
tinyE: What's "Galaxy"?
pds41: Chocolate Bar.


Not quite as nice as Cadbury. it as good as ?