mrcrispy83: well, keep in mind that if I I understand this correctly, you would redeem 240 free platinum points a month from repeatable tasks just by opening up the eshop and miiverse once a week and not doing anything. This isn't counting the daily app related bs chump change, or the free coins you get occasionally get by clicking on the coins that occasionally appear on the page
I think that they're overcomplicating things a bit as I thought that one currency mainly for the in app stuff and one outside would be enough, and I thought that the platinum point discounts seem a bit too small for what they cost but I guess they were trying to control inflation due to giving out so many free points.
I do believe that the US version is different of the european one.
Link Nintendo Network ID to MyNintendo account +100 (for what i understand it can only be done once)
Visit eShop once a week +30 (doable)
Visit Miiverse once a week +30 (i don't even know what this is, isn't wiiu feature?)
Link Facebook to MyNintendo account +10 (nope, not going to do that)
Link Google+ to MyNintendo account +10 (nope)
Link Twitter to MyNintendo account + 10 (nooooope)
In my case i can only make 30 each week, perhaps 60 if i (bother to) figure out what Miiverse is, the rest i'm not going to do it but i assume it's a one thing only. Unless more "missions" get unlocked if i complete the first batch, is that it?
Edit: Nevermind, misread "240 free platinum a month" as week. Still, meh, not sure if i would have patience to remember visiting each week those two services to get that picross game.