Thank you sir! Those images are exactly what I needed. I have replaced the text in the manual with the exact text you have provided. and changed the links to the completed manual.
I used Photoshop to edit the scanned pages, saved the edited pages as psd's then jpg's, created a Word doc with the page size exactly the size of the manual scans (no margins) and imported the page jpgs in order. I then saved the completed Word doc as a PDF file to finish up. It helps to save each page scan as an individual psd for future editing if you have a defective copy to work from.
You're welcome and thanks for the images that gave me not only the correct text but also the transparency and size for the background image that I was just guessing at before. =)
Final manual link - Edit: Your scans are super clean with great vertical / horizontal alignment so you could probably skip saving as psd's and just edit the manual "center" fold shadow out on the scanned pages. =)
You might need to use a template psd on pages where a background image is continuous across both pages. Also I think you will find searching for the original manual images (if damaged) to be very time consuming. Some can only be obtained by taking screen shots in the actual game others may not be available at all.