timppu: Unfortunately your pictures were cut so that one can't see what it says on the top for "Sort by:". So, what does it say, and does that change too?
For me it says by default "Sort by: Purchase Date", and I do see the "newest" games on top, always. So no shuffling here. Not sure if there is shuffling in other "sort by"-settings like "Title", and no idea if that default setting can be changed somewhere, or is it that "purchase date" for all users?
micktiegs_8: I always have it on purchase date. I tried other sorts and it was still all over the shop. I just tried title now and it starts at 'C' and seems fine up til the last 18 remaining spots that are just random lol.
I'm so glad I've only got 60 odd games showing and not the whole 370.
I switch between tags order and purchase date, depending on if I'm looking for something specific or just a general type of game. I did notice that purchase date is nowhere near accurate. It has some of the most recently purchased as one of the first purchased and the other way. I really can't go by purchase date because it is not accurate at all. To be honest, neither is the newest first, which I think is suppose to be in reference to the date the game was released. Newest first has some games that were made in the 90s as some of the newest games I have. They were also some of the first games I've bought, so it isn't referencing new to GoG.
Generally I think the ordering is inaccurate no matter which category you choose except for tags order, which is what I primarily leave it on anyway.