It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Magoxx: but i didn´t changed anything, how is it possible?
Johny.: I didn't state that you have changed your username - I explained why support asked you if you did it.

About other things - I'm sorry, I don't know. Please search for information in - especially in "GOG Galaxy - troubleshooting and useful information" and your game support subpage. Send a ticket to support about this specific game (if you didn't already). You can also create a forum thread (or check on this specific game forum) and see if other users did encounter similar problem.
this not acceptable... im sick of waiting,searching
Our developers made a fix. Please check if your issues with chat and tooltip issues are resolved.
I see your tooltip is opening now and I have started a conversation with you.
Johny.: Our developers made a fix. Please check if your issues with chat and tooltip issues are resolved.
I see your tooltip is opening now and I have started a conversation with you.
Apparently that fix works. I had the same problem as Magoxx, couldn't chat at all since about 2 months.
I just checked again and now the chat and tooltip work fine for me. I hope it will also work for Magoxx.
Johny.: Our developers made a fix. Please check if your issues with chat and tooltip issues are resolved.
I see your tooltip is opening now and I have started a conversation with you.
Johny.: Our developers made a fix. Please check if your issues with chat and tooltip issues are resolved.
I see your tooltip is opening now and I have started a conversation with you.
Impaler26: Apparently that fix works. I had the same problem as Magoxx, couldn't chat at all since about 2 months.
I just checked again and now the chat and tooltip work fine for me. I hope it will also work for Magoxx.
Thanks johny & devs. it worked fine. SOLVED good job!