Themken: I just now checked my box and it seems I was wrong and it had all five dlcs, mothership Zeta included. My intention has always been to return to the Fallout world but somehow the only rpg I ever seem to play is Mount & Blade with short forays into others (at least Diablo, Divine Divinity, The Witcher, Torchlight.... all for several hours but left on pause for ages).
I won New Vegas in a giveaway but but... that craving for Fallout seems to only have resurfaced the day I entered for that, terribly sorry whoever it was who gave it to me (a look tells me it was Doc0075).
Not adding any more rpgs to my backlog. Nope no no and especially not from giveaways.
I know the feeling, after Quake 3, I largely lost my interest in playing any more games in that series. Same goes for Doom 3, it's not that there weren't good games afterwards, I just lost my faith in their ability to produce games I like and had other things to do.