aristotle61: It should say "The same deals coming in....."
This has to be the worst GOG sale ever. There is only a tiny selection of games in the flash sale that just repeat over and over, and a lot of these games are not exactly flash sale prices. At this point Steam is looking much better. I'm glad I got nearly everything I wanted in past years because the same games now would have cost me a fortune. Okay my rant is over now.
Seen a few complaints about this and it also seemed to me that there were a lot of repeats. Turns out there are 10 games that have cycled through as a repeat:
Deus Ex (2)
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War (3)
Planet Nomads (2)
This War of Mine (2)
Shadowrun: Hongkong - Extended Edition (3)
Darkwood (2)
Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl (2)
Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back (2)
Homeworld Remastered Collection (2)
Kathy Rain (2)
So this breaks down like so: 57 deals so far. 10 titles repeated (2 of them tripled). If you don't count the first appearance of the game (since that's the unique entry for it), 12 of 57 offered flash deals are repeats, which is about 22%.
Seems kind of high, but I guess it's reasonable to assume there will be repeats (and it's likely intentional to allow some of GOG's customers to grab deals they may have missed). I think it exacerbates this feeling of the same games cycling over and over since they're up for 6 hour stretches. So you really feel like you're looking at the same games all the time.