thedkm: ... Seriously, what I wouldn't give to be able to play it again, but as I'm under Windows 10 in 64 bits, at startup I get a stupid error because of a missing file "dwsw32.dll" which is strangely not found on the internet...
Has someone meanwhile found a way to run M2 v0.98 on a Win10 PC without using a virtual machine? It sounds odd that a missing dwsw32.dll should present an unsurmountable problem, and that the dll can't even be found (there is one link to a dll with this name, but I don't think it's the one M2 is looking for). Does anybody know what purpose the dll serves, and if there is a workaround?
By the way, Decklin's Domain doesn't seem to offer M2 v0.98, only v0.99x, which is something different. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I installed v0.992, and I can at least run it - but it's closer to the newer Demise games. The installation folder doesn't contain dwsw32.dll, but the installation may have changed something for 0.98, too (I haven't fully investigated the change): When I launch M2 v0.98, I get a new error message: "Error method '~' of object '~' failed' occured in MAZEMOD:mdrmazConfigureDCs", then I can start the game, create a character, run it, even enter the dungeon - but the dungeon window displays no graphics. I can walk around, leave the dungeon again, but I'm totally blind. The store and the other central places seem to work.
Does this ring a bell for someone?
Looks like I've found a workaround! At first I uninstalled everything related with M2 from my PC. Then I installed the demo version of M2 v098. Running it produced the "dws.. missing" message. Then I installed the M2 v0992 demo, and launched M2 again. And this time it worked!
I guess the explanation is that M2 v0992 contains everything missing for M2 v098. 0992 does add dll's to system32 (which you better leave there when you uninstall 0992).
It may or may not be important: I'm using OTVDM to run M1. The installation of OTVDM seems to have configured my PC in a way that it runs "some" exe's via OTVDM (possibly if they have problems to be executed in the normal fashion?). The two M2 setup exe's were executed via OTVDM. If this contributed to my success, I don't know. M2 v098 itself apperars to run without OTVDM.