Yeah, not sure what Rogue has to do with turn-based
first person dungeon crawlers... I assume by "modern" you mean reasonably recent releases?
Starcrawlers is a solid pick. Fun game, albeit took me a while to get used to its... "wackiness," I guess is a good term. Light-hearted sci-fi dungeoncrawling with great combat system and good progression. Definitely recommend.
There's also the recent remake of
Xulima. While exploration is in overhead view, combat is turn-based first person. Fantasy, solid gameplay.
Elminage Gothicis also reasonably recent, but I never could get into it. Much prefer Stranger of Sword City (alas, not available on GOG). A lot of die-hard crawlers swear by Elminage, though, so perhaps you'll like it too. Fantasy, with a lot of mechanics to study.
Eh, that's about all that comes to my mind from GOG's selection. There might be a few other notable titles around, but "first-person turn-based dungeoncrawl" isn't exactly a big scene.
Edit: Heh, ninja'd by your elaboration. Alas, none of the games above are "single-controllable-character," though you could
try it (apparently single-character munchkins are possible in Elminage, though require a lot of foreknowledge and cheesing).
Also, as a heads-up - Legend of Grimrock is also real-time combat. Really bummed me out with it, as much as I tried I did not like it at all.