Posted November 17, 2015

Since they are high-res textures dont really alter the looks/style of the game Ill have a look at those.

I know some purists would argue that it's better to play the original version when you're playing a game for the first time, but the way I see it, the developers of SS2 didn't use blurry, low-res textures and blocky character meshes because that was their vision of the game -- they did it because of technical limitations at the time. If SS2 had been released a few years later, it would probably look much more like the modded version of the game.
Either way, the strongest atmospheric element of the game is the sound, which is arguably still just as effective as it was back in the day.
Ill just pick the texture pack that looks best.
Post edited November 17, 2015 by NuffCatnip