Depends on the game
Secret World - 2 - Its a heavily story driven game and I wanted to start again
Star Wars The Old Republic - 8 - wanted to see all 8 class quests.
Neverwinter - 1 - The mage was the only one I had any fun playing
World of Warcraft - 6 - paladin, mage, shaman where my favorites. Druid, rogue, death knights were ok off and on.
Guild Wars - 3 - ranger, elementalist/necro, paragon are the three favorites. Had many others off and on while trying different class combos
Guild Wars 2 - 3 - Elementalist, Paragon, Ranger
Wildstar - 3
misteryo: I got Elder Scrolls Online a few months ago when it was super cheap. I've never played an MMO. i like the Elder Scrolls games.
I created a character and played for 30 minutes. I haven't picked it up again since. I didn't hate it. Just have other games to play, and an MMO seems to demand my time more than other types of games.
No, they don't seem to demand more time - they
do demand a lot more time than any other type of game.
I wish is could say the same. I've played 9 of them over the years. 7 of them ended badly.
UO - anger
WoW - anger then boredom.
Neverwinter - not much to speak of
Tabula Rasa - shut down
GW, GW2, wildstar - technical issues.