Posted November 10, 2016
guess im the nintendo reporter here as per this thread
so here we go
the mini famicom classic sold out in less then an hour in japan
not only that
the mini nes has sold out at most online retailers
and amazon uk isnt taking any preorders for it anymore
and off course scalpers rear their ugly heads on evil bay for this "joyous"occassion
and offer the console for a snip
merely double the price
this thing will sell like gangbusters
so here we go
the mini famicom classic sold out in less then an hour in japan
not only that
the mini nes has sold out at most online retailers
and amazon uk isnt taking any preorders for it anymore
and off course scalpers rear their ugly heads on evil bay for this "joyous"occassion
and offer the console for a snip
merely double the price
this thing will sell like gangbusters