Posted March 04, 2016
Aningan: Also it's a way to prolong the console life cycle, especially since this generation sucks hardware wise.
All in all, the hardware specs are lower than we expected, but if they made games that weren't trying to be super graphical intensive and used simpler or fewer shaders/effects, hitting HD 60fps wouldn't be an issue it seems. I'll play devil's advocate here, and say the hardware is fine. The 360 was great for it's time, and in the 10 years it was up we saw good games, most of them playing at high framerate, although nothing I'd say is photo-realistic, most if not all of them were stylized. One of the first games i played was Blue Dragon, and it does the job just fine for what it was.
However it's the games they are trying to push. Smaller gameworld areas, fewer in crowd size, simpler models, simpler textures, etc, and in turn faster load times. Recently it was a total surprise when i popped in my Disgaea game and it booted/loaded screens and areas inside of 2 seconds, making me totally remember why i loved those games so much. Fast, fluid, simple, good gameplay, story, etc. But graphics were sprites and 3D was more basic (landscape).
The hardware of 8th gen is/was over-hyped, and the games and expectations to always be 'bigger and better than before' no longer applies, as games are already too big (data/disc wise), too expensive, too hyped for what they deliver. If everyone toned down their expectations not to be much higher than the PS3/360, then some things would be easier to program due to the larger memory size and better CPU and GPUs.
Truthfully we already saw this happen before. The Xbox to the 360 transition, one of the driving games was looked and played over, and they said 'it looks/feels like a Xbox game, only slightly better graphics'. But now it's even worse. Now it's all about trying to get the shiny graphics in, and nothing about the gameplay. Battlefront (EA) is a perfect example of who the target is for their audience. All looks and no good gameplay.
Maybe the hardware is fine as it is, if they make the games that are good for that level of hardware or less. Instead they are pushing and pushing for frankly the absurd. Naturally with Ubisoft fighting a war with Universal over ownership via a takeover, it's curious if it won't just be considered another film industry by Hollywood that they can milk to death with Copyright takeover.