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Apparently a guy from Australia bought the rights to the MicroProse name and is bringing out new games under that name.

This news was brought to me by MJR:

Some more info and preview of the new games:

Let's hope they can add some of that MicroProse magic.
Post edited May 17, 2020 by Strijkbout
I have been following the naval games on twitter. They are especially interesting for me. We need more more MilSims in general though. Bring them on. its a desert out there.
Ok. A name, a Brand. But Does it owns the rights of any iconic games? I mean. Could be launched any new sequel?

The resurrection of an old name like this, without any game licence, is an empty marketing campaign. As an example, Firaxis was more Microprose "Brand" than some titles of the last microprose era.

Gudadantza: Ok. A name, a Brand. But Does it owns the rights of any iconic games? I mean. Could be launched any new sequel?

The resurrection of an old name like this, without any game licence, is an empty marketing campaign. As an example, Firaxis was more Microprose "Brand" than some titles of the last microprose era.

True and to be honest I'm quite sceptical myself.
Necromancing Atari, which coincidentally gobbled up MicroProse, didn't turn out to be that great either.
The name doesn't matter at this point, as it won't be the same without the rock star game designers.
qwixter: The name doesn't matter at this point, as it won't be the same without the rock star game designers.
Well, on board seems to be Bill Stealey, one of the founders of Microprose in 1982 alongside Sid Meier, according to the linked article.

He was CEO. Not sure if he was a designer.
qwixter: The name doesn't matter at this point, as it won't be the same without the rock star game designers.
As far as I can recall, they all jumped ship when it started to become obvious what a mess of a company Micropose had become before it went completely kaputt. Yeah, no, I'm not expecting anything at all from another shambling corpse of a publisher.
Second Front looks like the spiritual PC adaptation of Avalon Hill's Squad Leader that I've always wanted. Some of the maps even look like they are based on Squad Leader maps. Complete with editor so we can recreate all those Squad Leader scenarios. It's now my most awaited game.
Gudadantza: Ok. A name, a Brand. But Does it owns the rights of any iconic games? I mean. Could be launched any new sequel?

The resurrection of an old name like this, without any game licence, is an empty marketing campaign. As an example, Firaxis was more Microprose "Brand" than some titles of the last microprose era.

They are at least making the same type of game that the old Microprose. And the games they are making look pretty cool so far. I have been following Task Force Admiral on Twitter. Its definitely not a cash in. For example, there are separate models for ships within a class. Those ships were not exactly the same as each other. There are little differences. Going that far is totally unnecessary, and a good sign I would say.

I added an example pic
Post edited May 18, 2020 by MobiusArcher
Gudadantza: Ok. A name, a Brand. But Does it owns the rights of any iconic games? I mean. Could be launched any new sequel?

The resurrection of an old name like this, without any game licence, is an empty marketing campaign. As an example, Firaxis was more Microprose "Brand" than some titles of the last microprose era.

MobiusArcher: They are at least making the same type of game that the old Microprose. And the games they are making look pretty cool so far. I have been following Task Force Admiral on Twitter. Its definitely not a cash in. For example, there are separate models for ships within a class. Those ships were not exactly the same as each other. There are little differences. Going that far is totally unnecessary, and a good sign I would say.
Oh well, of course. Some of the titles seem to be very interesting to me. Who knows, probably they are amazing games. And who knows, maybe they will adquire any content and have the rights to publish sequels or remakes.

Of course, I was not writing about the games themselves.But about the intention of the Microprose brand resurrection. Publicity and marketing. And why not. I do not consider it a bad thing, just "empty" right now.
What can people have in their minds and wishes when a Brand like Microprose is reborn?

Post edited May 18, 2020 by Gudadantza
I hope the new games hit the nail on the head for the target audience. Also, somebody should maybe create wishes for these games if they don't already exist.
Any of the three games they have prepared could be the envy of Slitherine/Matrix or others, indeed :).

Second Front as wargame, could fit the tastes of any Steel Panthers, Combat Mission or Squad Leader fan. It promises a lot of content and future if it is done right.

And the naval sims look amazing, being the modern warfare one apparently very close to an spiritual succesor of the old Jane's Fleet Command. And the other, has the name and feel of the old microprose title. and feels very interesting. They could create hype.

Honestly I like what I see.
Hopefully something good comes out of it. Someday I will figure out wargames.
Mr.Mumbles: As far as I can recall, they all jumped ship when it started to become obvious what a mess of a company Micropose had become before it went completely kaputt.
I turned down a job offer from MicroProse because the place was like a graveyard when I interviewed there back in '99. The people that were still there seemed like they had given up and even the interviewer slagged off some of their games.
Microprose is back the same way Origin is ?

I mean, the name might be the same, but will it be the same people behind ? I doubt it...