Posted July 29, 2014

Also Daphne and Celeste played which we watched from a distance and they got absolutely pelted, bottles of pee and all sorts. About halfway into the second song a wheelchair went flying onto the stage (imagine someone who is disabled or injured but they hate Daphne and Celeste that much that they will crawl just for the hope of injuring them) It was at that point that they called it quits and swiftly exited the stage. Now I'm older it seems kinda cruel but at the time I was rolling around the floor in tears laughing.
Speaking of real metal, here is some Lumsk for those fellow fans of Folk metal. Beautifully haunting female vocals combined with expert musicianship and more nordic mythology than you can shake an oar at. They're obscure for reasons beyond my knowledge.
Lumsk's I trollhender from the album Åsmund Frægdegjevar