Posted July 05, 2016
Enjoy this carefully selected anthem of maximum patriotism.
Especially those of you in the USA.
Now, what country has your favorite anthem, past or present?
Me? I think the Star Spangled Banner sucks. Not only is it based on some pithy war poem, not only is a single verse ever sung, but to add to it, the tune is based off of a londonian drinking song.
And as you can tell, I think the anthem of the USSR rocks.
Especially those of you in the USA.
Now, what country has your favorite anthem, past or present?
Me? I think the Star Spangled Banner sucks. Not only is it based on some pithy war poem, not only is a single verse ever sung, but to add to it, the tune is based off of a londonian drinking song.
And as you can tell, I think the anthem of the USSR rocks.