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high rated
It's been a very long while since I've done a formal giveaway, so I've decided to do one to celebrate nothing in particular.

In designing this giveaway I have shamelessly borrowed from some past masters of the genre (specifically, Phc7006, _Slaugh_, bler144, ZFR). Thank you for the ideas. I am also using this opportunity to shamelessly promote MaGog.

The short version:
I --- with the help of MaGog's "random" filter --- have picked a GOG game. You need to guess which one (you can guess once every two hours). The first to guess correctly wins the giveaway. The prize is one game of my choice from your (the winner's) GOG wishlist.
[Note: This is similar to Phc7006's scheme, if you still remember it (or him), but the game you win is not the game you have guessed].

The long version (a.k.a. the rules):
1) To be eligible to win, you must have a GOG account.
[Note: If you don't have a GOG account, you are also eligible]

2) Since, if you happen to win, I will need to pick a gift from your wishlist, you must have a wishlist of GOG games. This wishlist may be an actual wishlist on GOG or it may be a virtual wishlist in your mind (or any other part of your body or surroundings).
[Note: If you win and your wishlist is not visible on GOG, you will have to send it to me via chat]

3) To be eligible to win, you must have at least three games on your wishlist of GOG games, at least one of which costs $20 or less.
[Note: So don't even think of having a wishlist with just one item: "Darksiders Blades & Whip Franchise Pack"]

4) If your wishlist is public, please consider listing it in the Directory of Public Wishlists. If your name appears here,
you're already listed. If not, follow the instructions here to get yourself listed. This is not a requirement.
[Note: This is one aspect of promoting MaGog, originally devised by bler144]

5) If you are not eligible to win --- or simply do not want to get a gift --- you may still participate but will need to do it for someone else (i.e. if you guess correctly, that someone else will get the prize). That someone else must be eligible. To play for someone else, simply post "I'm in for...". Once is enough, unless you wish each of your guesses to be for a different person (not unheard of).
[Note: That someone else may naturally also participate on his or her own, if he or she so wishes]

6) You may not participate for mrkgnao.
[Note: This is known as "The ZFR Gambit"]

7) If you are not eligible to win and do not wish to participate for someone else, please do not guess, as this will make my life difficult should you guess correctly. Please.
[Note: Ineligible posts will be silently ignored]

8) You may guess once every two hours.
[Note: The easiest way to determine this is to make sure that your last post reads "posted 2 hours ago" (or more)]

9) Do not edit your posts.
[Note: An edited post will be silently ignored]

10) If possible, highlight the game name in bold.
[Note: If you forget, no big deal, but don't edit your posts]

11) The game name you post must be readily identifiable as exactly one item on GOG's current or past catalogue. For example "Witcher 2" is OK, although "Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition, The" is preferable. However, "Witcher 3" is not, for it may refer to any of seven items, such as: "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The - Game + Expansion Pass [Premium] [Removed]", "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition, The [Premium]", or "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine, The [DLC]". For best results, copy-paste the name from GOG or MaGog.
[Note: An invalid name will be silently ignored]

12) Once a day, I will post a new clue about the game. I will also list all the clues in the following post (post #2). I will try to post new clues around morning/noon US time (which would be afternoon/evening Europe time, etc.). Do note that you may find it difficult to make use of the clues if you don't know how to employ MaGog, but fear not, I am sure people will be glad to offer a helping hand. You may also want to consider making use of MaGog's profiles to save your work in progress, if you wish.
[Note: This is similar to _Slaugh_'s scheme, if you still remember it, except no one gets murdered]

13) Please do not downvote any post in this thread. Please do not argue about the eligibility or ineligibility of anyone. Please do not mention the word "scam" or any of its declensions. Play nice.
[Note: Please]

14) You may draw other people's attention (or your own) to specific rules, if you see someone doesn't get it.
[Note: Be courteous]

15) If you realise that your latest guess cannot be right (e.g. contradicts one of the clues), you may guess again without waiting the full two hours. Just add an explanation why the previous guess was invalid when you make the new guess. But do wait for at least 10 minutes (or for someone else to post), otherwise GOG will combine the two posts and call it an edit.
[Note: The previous guess will be silently ignored (even if it happens to be correct)]

16) I will buy the prize (a game of my choice from the winner's GOG wishlist) and gift it to the winner during the upcoming Summer Sale.
[Note: I expect the sale to begin sometime in the next two weeks]

17) If you're still unsure about how this thing works, you can have a look at a past giveaway of mine, which had the same concept, here.
[Note: Thanks go to ZFR for inadvertently reminding me of that giveaway]

18) Have fun.

Post edited May 27, 2020 by mrkgnao
high rated
Clue #1: The mystery game is a "game" in the widest possible GOG sense of the word. Specifically, it is an item listed on GOG's current catalogue or an item previously found on GOG's catalogue but since removed. This means it could be a regular game, a collection of games sold as one, a DLC, a separately sold soundtrack, a season pass, a premium edition, an upcoming game, a removed game, etc, etc. It cannot be a movie. It cannot be a pipe.

Clue #2: The mystery game is listed on MaGog. For those of you not in the know, MaGog does not list games added to GOG in the past year or so, as a form of pointless protest against GOG offering games with microtransactions.

Clue #3: According to, the mystery game takes, on average, longer to complete than Everything.

Clue #4: The mystery game has a lower Metacritic score than the game that, according to GOG, has more achievements than any other game.

Clue #5: The mystery game has less reviews on Steam than 800 times its star rating on GOG.

Clue #6: Thanks to the magic of regional pricing, the mystery game costs more (in US$) in Fianarantsoa than it does in Stavanger.

Clue #7: The mystery game is not part of any series.
Post edited May 29, 2020 by mrkgnao
high rated
You may begin.
Cool way to introduce people, including me, to magog. Also thanks for the giveaway.

Is it...
Dustforce DX
I've not played the game, but the music is sick.
Hm, I think I'm qualified so I'm just going to just dive narrowly right into the void with:

Chessmaster® 9000
Well, not much to go with, but I'll throw a wishful one. ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game?
Post edited May 25, 2020 by Stooner
Ancestors Legacy? (
Well hello!

Is it...a pipe? No? Not a pipe then?


I'll guess Might and Magic(R) 6-Pack Limited Edition. Because that should always be the answer.

Even if it wasn't the answer last time around either ;)

Thanks for doing this! I'm looking forward to winnowing down the mystery!
I'm guessing Interplay's Fallout (Not the Bethesda classic edition)
Not in(for now, but I might enter for someone else later on if I can do so)....also +1 for the generosity....that said, a few replies:
mrkgnao: 1) To be eligible to win, you must have a positive forum presence for at least a few months (or years or decades). By positive presence I mean being generally nice to other people, asking or answering questions, offering advice, maintaining lists, harmlessly joking around, playing non-giveaway forum games, complaining about the hardships of life on GOG, that sort of thing. You don't necessarily have to be a "regular", but you can't be someone who only participates in giveaways.
[Note: Don't be obtuse and don't be coy; you know if you fit this description or not]
I actually don't know if I am eligible as per this part.....some think I am okay or good, and others think the opposite, while others have no opinion one way or the other.

Also If I may ask: If I enter later for someone else(and they are eligible) I also have to meet all requirements to enter for them as well?
mrkgnao: 9) Do not edit your posts.
[Note: An edited post will be silently ignored]
This will be hard, but i'll try my best.
(I have ocd about some things like typos and such)
mrkgnao: 13) Please do not downvote any post in this thread. Please do not argue about the eligibility or ineligibility of anyone. Please do not mention the word "scam" or any of its declensions. Play nice.
[Note: Please]
I won't low rate, but please be aware: now that i've posted it's a good possibility that the bots might hit my posts or ones that reply to them.
Narrowing down the list one at a time:

Might and Magic 7: For Blood and a small Honorarium...or something of that sort.

I was planning to use my second guess to pick the winning game from the first time out, but I can't remember what it was now...too sleepy.

It was definitely Something 2.
Stooner: Well, not much to go with, but I'll throw a wishful one. ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game?
Just a note, as your post was edited it doesn't needs to not be edited.

(Also note I don't say this to be rude or anything, just doing as OP asked[pointing out if people make mistakes to them when entering] so your entry/guess gets counted :))
With these clues, it really can be only one game.
I guess Sunless Sea.

N.B. Sadly the relation between those two lines is extremely tenuous at best. :P
Stooner: Well, not much to go with, but I'll throw a wishful one. ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game?
GameRager: Just a note, as your post was edited it doesn't needs to not be edited.

(Also note I don't say this to be rude or anything, just doing as OP asked[pointing out if people make mistakes to them when entering] so your entry/guess gets counted :))
Thank you. Not only this, but it seems I broke a couple of rules already (I'm sorry mrkgnao, I blame the extra beers).

Well, that's a really hard rule to follow I guess. For both of us. :)
Post edited May 25, 2020 by Stooner
Not interested whether qualified or not but my guess is Gog's in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor.