Posted July 15, 2015
high rated

GOG has two stars schemes:
- One uses 0.5 granularity (5.0, 4.5, 4.0, etc.) and is displayed on the game page as stars or half-stars.
- The other uses 0.1 granularity (5.0, 4.9, 4.8, etc.) and is not displayed by GOG to regular users, but is used behind the scenes (e.g. when sorting by rating).
The two are usually in synch, except when the number of votes is small. The first scheme requires at least 5 votes; until then it displays as zero stars (and zero votes, even for 1-4 votes). The second is ok with even one vote.
A display of "zero stars" does not mean zero (the minimum allowed by GOG is 1 star). It just means "not enough votes yet", and it is not always associated with a 0.1-granularity star rating of 5.0. It can be anything based on people's votes. Look for example at "Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign". It has "zero stars", but 3.3 rating.
MaGog uses the second scheme almost everywhere. So when you filter for "at least 5.0", you will also get games that have a 5.0 rating but less than 5 votes, e.g. "Men of War: Vietnam". These games do have a 5.0 rating, but probably only one or two (or four) people actually voted for them.
The only place where MaGog uses the first scheme is in the star icons (as opposed to the numeric value) it displays in the "Stars" column. This basically displays what you see on the game page, without any editing.
If you don't want to see games with a low number of votes, you can simply add a filter that requires "Number of Ratings" at least 5.
Hope this clarifies the issue.
Post edited July 15, 2015 by mrkgnao