Lifthrasil: What does this emoticon mean?
It meant two things:
1 - paranoia because I could read it as scum|Lift going > that's it = game over
2 - that I should have played safe and gone with Agent, because of precisely what happened.
Still gg. Wyrm / Agent to get me to mislynch heh? Called it or what...
Will be interesting to read the observer and mafia threads, if there was some slip we missed.
Wyrm: I hate you :) Should have gone with the gut - I reallly wanted to lynch you instead of Flub.
Looking back on it the facepalm comment was bit slippy - too brazen for town|wyrm. I guess?
Agent: congrats - you've singlehandedly converted me to yog's STU philosophy ;)
Lift: Remind me to never trust your logic again. :)
Just kidding, I was with you all the way, and should have gone with Agent as you wanted.
Flub: Solly - you so scummy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And Vitek: thanks for the nightmare fuel regarding the making out session. Also links please?
PS: Given my flavor I was giggly happy with this:
With great power comes great responsibility.