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Ozimandeus: I want to maximise what I spend on European goods and services, and lessen/eradicate goods and services from Russia and the USA. Why is irrelevant. I would venture that I do exactly the same in every bit of shopping I do in the supermarket. I will chose a supermarket that offers local produce over any other. Why? because that is what I choose to do.
Russia *IS* in fact part of Europe. Yes, I'm well aware that Russia is transcontinental where most of the landmass is in Asia. It's also true that the bulk of Russia's population is in Europe. This means that a game from Russia should have the "Made in Europe" tag because the country is in fact part of Europe, like it or not.
Timboli: And I certainly wouldn't describe it as being about their point of view.
It is about the impact on them, which is very different to a POV.
Impact, POV, it's all the same semantics.

It's not up to consumers to care about vendors. It's their job to do the work, assess the market, release goods and services, and make a profit.

Timboli: And is GOG not doing that?
I wonder how the majority of customers feel about this? Do they even care?

If the majority of GOG customers want these country labels, then so be it. But I seriously suspect they don't, and so I am not one that believes in pandering to a minority, not without good reason, a reason beyond politics and bias.
GOG is not doing a good enough job, although I admit they have different audiences to juggle.

And I don't know, only they would know. But if they keep having annual 'made in X country' sales every year, then maybe it's successful enough for them to keep doing it and it wouldn't be an insignificant minority. They wouldn't be doing it otherwise, right? Hence that's why I support the idea of the label.
Post edited 6 hours ago by UnashamedWeeb
Timboli: No just discriminating based on where they live ... same same really.
Not true, for example I will not boycot Night Dive Studios since they are against trump.
It's not about where you live and more about what you believe.

Catventurer: As a consumer, I decide based on a game's content and you should too. Judge by their actions and their releases. Do not be fooled by press release statements.

At the top of my list of companies that everyone should boycott is Number None, and it's not because they are based out of Texas (US.) The Witness was released with puzzles that cannot be solved if you're color-blind and other puzzles that cannot be solved if you are deaf. These ableist puzzles also come late in the game, which means that the most popular storefront (Steam) will never issue a refund as the player would have exceeded the allowed period once they encounter them. When called out on this, the official response was to just skip the ableist puzzles. This is ignoring that to get the real/true ending, you need to do those puzzles.

Ableism is very much a pro-MAGA view point, Even if Number None made a statement claiming to be against Trump himself, it would not change the fact that they share his view point that people with disabilities don't need to be accommodated, even when the accommodation is just to do better and warn people about such content in the future.

On the other hand, IkenFell (2020) and I was a Teenage Exocolonist (2022) both have Canadian developers and American publishers. The American publishers have made their position clear just by publishing these games while being upfront about the LGBT+ content as both are fairly recent releases.
I don't decide just on the country of origin of course. I just use it as one of the many informations I need to decide if I want to buy a game.

Catventurer: Russia *IS* in fact part of Europe. Yes, I'm well aware that Russia is transcontinental where most of the landmass is in Asia. It's also true that the bulk of Russia's population is in Europe. This means that a game from Russia should have the "Made in Europe" tag because the country is in fact part of Europe, like it or not.
I don't think dictatorship countries qualify as european.
I don't think russia qualify as Europe at all.
Post edited 34 minutes ago by LiefLayer