timppu: Please explain what that means. (I've played a couple of missions of Warzone 2100, but got distracted).
Darvond: The above poster suggested an RTS that, "This game is for months or years until one play everything what is possible".
Ah ok. I thought that by "schedule" you meant that it is easier to drop and start playing again Warzone 2100, than other RTS games. As in, having a schedule like going to work daily etc., can't play all day long...
I personally don't consider Total Annihilation + expansion packs quite that big, I am unsure how one could really use years to finish it. I think it took a similar time for me to finish as e.g. Age of Empires + the Rome expansion (just a guess and gut-feeling, no I haven't timed it or measured in any other way, like the number of missions and number of mouse clicks you have to do overall).
Not sure if that person was referring also to multiplayer and/or skirmish against the computer. Of course then you can spend even the rest of your life with the game, playing the same scenarios over and over again. I am talking about only playing the single-player campaigns.
I admit though I didn't finish the last 5% of Total Annihilation (the second expansion pack, i think it was the Battle Tactics expansion which is not a campaign but a series of single-player missions). There was this naval mission which I felt was just stupid and too much about luck, so I said phuck it and let it be. I didn't like how the enemy could destroy almost my whole fleet with the long range cannons before I could even reach their shores. You could only pray it keeps missing your ships while you try to get there. A stupid mission.
I think the best missions in the whole TA were the last missions (for each side) in the Core Contingency expansion pack. It is the two missions with that enormous mega robot size of a house (either you try to destroy it, or get to use it, depending on which side you are on). I liked those two missions a lot, otherwise TA was a bit meh to me. I disliked those Big Bertha cannons, they were just as bad as e.g. the Harkonnen nuclear missiles in Dune 2 or Dune 2000. There's nothing fun in enemy destroying half of your base from afar with sheer luck.