Posted February 22, 2019

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Argy "the cook" - halfling
Registered: Aug 2014
From Spain
Posted February 22, 2019
high rated
Technically, I would never consider any distributor that doesn't provide offline installers to be DRM-free.

Online/Galaxy required = DRM.
Registered: Jun 2017
From United States
Posted February 22, 2019
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Also, I contacted their support and asked: "Do you sell DRM-free games and will you mark them as such." and the reply was: 'We are sorry, but we cannot answer that question.'
But regardless, even if they start selling DRM-free games, you would still need their Launcher to download them. Just like Steam.

At least four games there were reported as DRM-free.
Four is good enough for me, so I re-added it to OP.

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted February 22, 2019
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And I was under the impression this was about fully DRM free stores, not stores that may have a few possibly DRM free games :/

Registered: Sep 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 22, 2019
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language geek
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States
Posted February 23, 2019
Given some of the replies before mine, it might be worthwhile to separate stores like GOG (which provide direct download of installers or compressed folders via browser) from other stores where a specialized, proprietary piece of software from the store is required for initial download and/or installation. Even if you don't wish to do that, it would be helpful to make a note indicating where a download client is required.

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan
Posted February 23, 2019
I already tagged FIREFLOWER GAMES and Zoom Platform exclusively DRM-free since day one.
GOG have Gwent. It is not exclusively DRM-free.
GOG have Gwent. It is not exclusively DRM-free.
Post edited February 23, 2019 by kbnrylaec

New User
Registered: Jun 2014
From United States
Posted February 24, 2019

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted February 24, 2019

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted February 24, 2019
It is for singleplayer. Otherwise there are quite a number of games that are definitely not DRM free for multiplayer. Now Gwent is multiplayer only, with the singleplayer campaign released separately, but what sets it apart in a bad way on GOG is that it has microtransactions, not that it's DRMed multiplayer.

Jared Mohammed
Registered: Jan 2016
From Trinidad and Tobago

Forever gaming...
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted February 24, 2019
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I really wouldn't add any platform where only select games are DRM free. Chances are what you're getting won't be DRM free. A one off does not make a platform a source for DRM free games in general. Steam and the like really should not be on that list.
Also, if you have to do wiggling to get the games to actually not have DRM it's not DRM free. You had to remove the DRM component one way or another with either hacking, commands, or other workarouds. The DRM is still there for the average user. This is why I wouldn't put Epic, GamersGate and the like on the list.
Also, speaking of Epic, the lack of information (indeed, suspiciously quiet!) on DRM is a good reason to keep away. Who knows which way it will go?
Also, if you have to do wiggling to get the games to actually not have DRM it's not DRM free. You had to remove the DRM component one way or another with either hacking, commands, or other workarouds. The DRM is still there for the average user. This is why I wouldn't put Epic, GamersGate and the like on the list.
Also, speaking of Epic, the lack of information (indeed, suspiciously quiet!) on DRM is a good reason to keep away. Who knows which way it will go?
Post edited February 24, 2019 by kitsuneae

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan
Posted February 24, 2019
If we follow the most strict definition here, there will be only 2 stores left on the list.
I think that is not what everybody want.
Steam is quite evil, but I believe that it sell much more DRM-free games than GOG.
I think that is not what everybody want.
Steam is quite evil, but I believe that it sell much more DRM-free games than GOG.

Registered: Sep 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted February 24, 2019
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That list of 3rd party games is barely 6% of Steam's 27k catalogue and falls well short of GOG's +2000 titles. And even if it were bigger, what people are saying is that if you're focusing on the stores rather than the games, what counts for most people is the whole experience of actually being able to buy them hassle free and some legal guarantee of remaining like that vs future patches. Eg, that list of DRM-Free Games on Steam is useful if you know in advance the titles you're looking for. You can't however, search for DRM-Free games on Steam the same way you can on Humble, nor browse and buy DRM-Free games without constant back & forth tabbing to incomplete 3rd party lists which most people don't even know to look for.
Ideally, Steam could solve that problem with more honest labelling of 1st party DRM (Steamworks & CEG) they same way they do with Denuvo, but they don't & won't because the whole Steam platform is all about encouraging then "normalizing" Steam's own overwhelmingly implemented DRM until most people start to want to not see it as such. In fact the only way of figuring out which games use CEG is the extremely annoying process of copying the Steam game's APPID into, then searching for an obscure "cegpublickey" database field within a sub-menu, etc. That simply isn't something the average user is going to do. From a legal perspective, the Steam "subscriber" agreement doesn't even give anyone the right to play Steam games outside the Steam client, so DRM-Free on Steam is more an unofficial hack that often involves fiddly workarounds (eg, manually renaming the Steam client's .exe, creating steam_appid.txt files then manually copying APPID into them, or use source ports or retail patches, then finally zipping your own installer, etc), than an "out of the box" DRM-Free product properly sold as such...
Ultimately if Steam want to be included on DRM-Free store lists, then it's up to Steam to raise their game and start honestly labelling games as such in-store prior to purchase, not on everyone else to lower their expectations into the realms of requiring 2x 3rd party research tools + post-purchase hacks in a manner contrary to the Steam Subscriber Agreement used to purchase them. If games on that list like Deus Ex, Gothic, Quake, Tropico 3, Unreal, etc, which are all sold on Steam with DRM but you need to download a retail patch to remove it, then by extension you should also include any store (including EBay) that sells old retail discs of the same games whose DRM is removed by exactly the same patches. And if "sold with DRM but that can be patched out and run without the client in a pseudo-legal fashion" is the new standard for inclusion, then you might as well include every store that has ever sold a retail disc game for which a 3rd party "NoCD's" are available...
Edit: If you simply want to include a list of places that sells at least one DRM-Free game, then you need to change the subject title to a more honest "List of places where you can buy some DRM-Free games", because hacks & workarounds of 5% of content (contrary to the store's EULA) complete with hiding all information about the store's own DRM being in 95% of games there does not remotely make that "a DRM-Free store".
Post edited February 24, 2019 by AB2012

RIP GoodOldGOG:DRMfree,one price,goodies,community
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted February 24, 2019
high rated
If it requires a client at any point, it's not DRM free in my book, and I don't think you can download stuff without one on Steam, or Epic for that matter, can you?