It appears GOG doesn't check very thoroughly to ensure their tarballs will be free of broken symbolic links.
Broken Links:
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/dosdevices/a:: -> /dev/fd0
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/GOG Games/Baldur's Gate 2/mpsave -> /Users/patryk/Library/Application Support/'s Gate 2/mpsave
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Documents -> /home/gog
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Pictures -> /home/gog/Pictures
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Videos -> /home/gog/Videos
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/Desktop -> /home/gog/Desktop
Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Music -> /home/gog/Music
Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Documents -> /home/gog
Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Pictures -> /home/gog/Pictures
Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Videos -> /home/gog/Videos
Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/Desktop -> /home/gog/Desktop
Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Music -> /home/gog/Music
Baldurs Gate/prefix/dosdevices/a:: -> /dev/fd0
Baldurs Gate/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Documents -> /home/gog
Baldurs Gate/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Pictures -> /home/gog/Pictures
Baldurs Gate/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Videos -> /home/gog/Videos
Baldurs Gate/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/Desktop -> /home/gog/Desktop
Baldurs Gate/prefix/drive_c/users/gog/My Music -> /home/gog/Music
find: `/mnt/usb_ext/games/Baldurs Gate 2/prefix/drive_c/GOG Games/Baldur\'s Gate 2/temp/default.tot': Too many levels of symbolic links
Here's the script that generated that output in case anyone else wants to check their stuff: I originally wrote it for a completely unrelated reason but now it's got some alternative modes too. (see
(I want to keep all my game files on my external USB drive read-only so I know nothing needing automatic backup exists there, but some of my native Linux games wanted to store their save files inside the data directory. If I ever decide to bring the drive over to a friend's house to let them sample my library, I'll need a way to check which games require intervention to unbreak those symlinks.)
On a related note, if anyone wants to check which .debs are not backed by a repository (eg. if you want to switch them to tarballs because your root partition is getting full), the simplest way is to make sure aptitude is installed (an enhanced replacement for apt-get that comes standard on Debian but not on Ubuntu) and then run "
aptitude search ~o".