AngelWolf76: Hello. I run a small 8 computer LAN at NorWesCon, a Seattle sci-fi and fantasy convention. Last year, I shared my entire GOG library on it, as we have lan cafe software in place to ensure that only one copy of each game can be played at any given time. The new head of special events is concerned that I'm violating the personal use part of the license agreement as it is written. Am I in violation of the agreement for sharing my games? And if so is there another agreement for lan use?
I would suggest you are, it kind of implies that you can share within your own house. But you are sharing on a larger scale in a commercial venture. I would advise you to contact gog directly and get their input as to what you would need to continue, they maybe nice enough just to let you go ahead with it, and they can hardly check or enforce (part of drm free), but a simple curtesy email asking about your specific situation will probably result in an ok, presuming you make it closed, I.e. They can't take the games away (say on a USB stick or something).