Magmarock: Sorry I'm not experienced enough with bash to understand what you're trying to say. I did end up writing a script to download my favorites. For some reason it's downloading Deus Ex Invisible War even though it's not on the list.
The way to avoid unwanted games being included is to add ^ to the start of the pattern and $ to the end (in single quotes to avoid shell expansion). My mgonly script creates a single --game with all the games at once, so e.g. multiple threads work correctly. Anyway, without using the mgonly-like script, here's what you could use instead of your multiple commands:
lgogdownloader --download --platform=w --exclude patches --directory '/media/fred/Video/Games' --game '^(anvil_of_dawn|blasphemous|blood_omen_legacy_of_kain|candleman|control_ultimate_edition)$'
Vertical bars separate game names. ^ and $ at the beginning and end ensure that no similar names are included. The parentheses are to apply the ^ and $ to the entire list. The single quotes are to keep the special characters from being interpreted by the shell.
I'd place the "--platform=w --exclude patches --directory '/media/fred/Video/Games'" part into the config file (~/.config/lgogdownloader/config.cfg) so you don't have to give it on the command line every time.
The simple script I showed above could be used to make it easier to maintain the list (i.e., as a plain text file). You don't need to make it a separate script if you're using a script to execute lgogdownloader, anyway. For example, here's a script (I'll call it dl-list) that takes one argument: the name of a file containing game names:
lgogdownloader --download --platform=w --exclude=patches --directory '/media/fred/Video/Games' --game="^($(while read x; do echo -n "|$x"; done <$1 | sed -e 's/|//'))\$"
Or, using slightly different commands:
lgogdownloader --download --platform=w --exclude=patches --directory '/media/fred/Video/Games' --game="^($(tr \\n \| <$1 | sed -e 's/|$//'))\$"
Just make it executable (chmod +x dl-list) and either place it in your path or give the directory when executing. Create a plain text file containing your list of games, e.g. "favorites":
Then download using:
./dl-list favorites
This executes exactly the same command as the first one I gave, except that it's easier to maintain the list.